Lexi is compatible with the Gutenberg editor, and we want to show you everything it can do! You’ll be able to edit colors, font size; easily add buttons, quotes

This is a cover block
This block is a gallery
You can use the gallery either in standard width, wide-width or full-width. You can also add more images if you wish to! This block is great to add a lot of images to your blog, while spacing some space.

Here’s a Wide-Width Image
This type of image is larger than the standard width of the blog, but it’s not full-width (unless you have a smaller screen size, then it can look full-width). This is great if you want an image to pop a bit.

Let’s look at other important elements
Heading H1
Heading H2
Heading h3
Heading h4
Heading h5
Heading h6
Create as many buttons as you want! They can come in all kinds of colors, the limits are your imagination.
This is a styled paragraph block. All you have to do is give it a background color and it’ll pop! This is perfect for special content you want your readers to pay attention to. Believe me, with this colorful background, they’ll be interested in reading it!

This is a column block with a picture on one side.
I love this type of block, it works great on blogs! Share some content with an image beside it, without having to code anything.
Let’s add a bit of filler so it looks better:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque mollis tempus ligula ut pulvinar. Morbi auctor magna ac molestie sollicitudin. Maecenas ut ligula rhoncus, vulputate eros nec, ultricies nulla. In ac pulvinar metus. Etiam aliquam, libero non posuere molestie, nisi ligula sagittis mi, quis pulvinar felis ligula ultricies velit. Praesent vestibulum, dolor ut congue elementum, dolor velit blandit nulla, sollicitudin ultrices leo purus et neque.
Yup, you can have a styled paragraph box in the middle!
Vivamus eu nunc ornare, accumsan nisl lacinia, euismod felis. Donec in justo ligula. Pellentesque felis ex, ornare tristique scelerisque sed, bibendum et est. Mauris interdum urna vitae urna aliquet, sed mattis lacus maximus. Proin condimentum vel neque ac ultrices.
Quote blocks available
There are three types of quotes available in Gutenberg. The first one is the “standard” quote. You can also use the “large” style, and make it bigger! This is perfect for text that you want to emphasize.
Standard Quote
I am a simple quote. People love me because of my simplicity.
Large Quote
I am a large quote. If you don’t notice me, we have a problem.
This is last type of quote available. It comes with lines that separate it better from the rest of the content, so use this as much as you want!
Hey, I’m a pullquote and I repeat your best content.
Me, Myself & I
Categories & Latest Posts Blocks
You can also link to all your categories and latest posts from the Gutenberg editor! This is great if you want to have an archive-type page
- 2022 Recommended Books
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- Annabeth Albert
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- Ari McKay
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- Beth Laycock
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- Bodyguards Inc.
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- Book Signing
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- British
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- Carpenter
- Cats
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- Charlie Cochrane
- Charlie Novak
- Chesterford Coyotes
- Childcare
- Chris Quinton
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- Christmas 23
- Christmas Angel
- Christmas Focus
- City Slicker
- City Slicker & Rancher
- Clare London
- Coach
- College Student
- Coming Out
- Comment
- Competitions
- Con Riley
- Contemporary Sports
- Cop
- Cover Art
- Cover Reveal
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- Crooked Tree Ranch
- Dates for the diary
- Doctor
- doctor
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- Editing
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- Elin Gregory
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- Ellery Mountain
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- Hockey Player
- Hockey Romance
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- Illness
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- Jordan L. Hawk
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- Julie Bozza
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- Karrie George
- Keira Andrews
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- L.C. Chase
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- Paranormal
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- Prince
- Quotes
- Rachel Reid
- Rainbow Snippets
- Ranch and Cowboy
- Rancher
- Raptors
- reading
- Recommended
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- RJ Scott App
- RJ's Coffee Corner
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- Sale
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- Sarina Bowen
- SciFi
- Sean Kennedy
- Sean Michael
- Seasons
- Second Chances
- Self Publishing
- Series
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- Short Story
- Signing
- Signings
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- Single Parent
- Slider
- small town romance
- soldier
- Special Forces
- Sports Coach
- Standalone
- Stanford Creek
- Stephanie Locey
- Steve Walker
- Stonemason
- Student
- Suki Fleet
- Summer Events
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- Suspense
- Tattoo Artist
- tattoos
- teacher
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- Texas
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- The Lake Prophet Mysteries
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- Translations
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- Valentines
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- Weddings
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- Witness Protection
- writer
- Writing
- Yaio
- Young Adult
- Z.A. Maxfield
Latest Posts Block
- Protected: This is our time – Chapter 7This content is password protected.
- Protected: Always You, Chapter 28This content is password protected.
- 99c SaleWelcome to the Beach Reads – Gay MM Romance promotion (9-19 August) – featuring The Heart of Texas for only 99c 💼🖤 Riley Hayes:…
Keep Reading - A Reason To Stay is on sale for 99c!A Reason To Stay is on sale for 99c as a part of the Hold Me. Thrill Me. Kiss Me. Drill Me….
Keep Reading - How Much For A Life of Lies (Shadow Team 3) is out now!
- Happy Book Birthdays, Changing Lines and Summer Drifter!
- Shield (LA Storm 3) is now in KU!
- Spring Rains (Deutsche Ausgabe) – OUT NOW!
- What Lies Beneath (Lancaster Falls 1) is only 99c!Summer’s hottest deal is here! For the entire month of June, dive into the chilling secrets of “What Lies Beneath (Lancaster Falls…
Keep Reading - Owatonna U Hockey Box Set new Release!
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If you’re also a vlogger or a podcaster, you can add all that content using Gutenberg. Embed your awesome videos and audio content with just a few clicks.