I libri bestseller ambientati nel periodo natalizio, “Natale a New York” e “Un fidanzato per Natale” saranno disponibili in Kindle Unlimited per 90 giorni.
New York
Weihnachten in New York
Viele Jahre sind vergangen, seit Christian Daniel zuletzt gesehen hat. Chris war damals im letzten Jahr am College und als Assistent des Professors sollte er versuchen, dem viel zu selbstbewussten Erstsemester Daniel Nachhilfe zu geben. Sieben Jahre später leckt Chris seine Wunden, nachdem er gebeten wurde, die Privatschule, an der er unterrichtet hatte, zu verlassen. Er hat keinen Job, kein Geld, und ist auf seine Freundin Amelia angewiesen, die ihm…
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The Empire State Building – RJ’s Travels
We could see the Empire State Building from our room. It’s a stunning building and not just on the outside. The inside is Art Deco and it is gorgeous. Being at the top in the open air was unnerving. There are gaps in the fence that a very small person could fall out of. Shudders. My over active imagination has me going straight back inside. Lol I love the fact…
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The 911 Museum
The 911 museum. I had every intention of capturing images from my day at the 9/11 museum. My first sight of the new tower took my breath away and I captured it to show everyone. I took a couple of photos just inside (the last column and the huge mural) and then I stopped. I couldn’t bring myself to take any more photos. The first thing you see inside the…
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Love Happens Anyway
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Love Happens Anyway
Hiring a boyfriend for Christmas; what can go wrong? Derek is facing yet another Christmas where his life feels out of control. He has a new career that doesn’t feel like his, and parents who would just love to see him settled down. All he needs is a temporary buffer for the parties he has to attend, and for his parents to leave him alone. Enter, Luke. Luke is twenty-thousand…
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New York Christmas in Audio
I have a couple of my Christmas books in Audio. The first, of course, is The Christmas Throwaway. Last year I released New York Christmas in Audio and it got some lovely reviews. The story of a cop and a former teacher was one close to my heart. It started as a short (very short) story based around muffins in my fan fiction days. I added (lots) to it, and…
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New York Christmas
Can a New York cop and a teacher find love in the city at Christmas? It’s been far too long since Christian Matthews has seen Daniel Bailey. In fact the last time they met was in college. Seven years down the road, Chris is licking his wounds after being ‘asked to leave’ the private school where he was teaching. He has no job, no money, and has to rely on…
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Noël à New-York de R.J. Scott – maintenant disponible
C’est Noël et l’homme de ses fantasmes est de retour dans la vie de Chris. Cela fait bien trop longtemps depuis la dernière fois que Christian Matthews a revu Daniel Bailey. En fait, la dernière fois, Chris était à l’université et était l’assistant du professeur d’anglais chargé d’aider Daniel qui était alors un première année bien trop confiant. Quelques années plus tard, Chris panse ses blessures après avoir été invité…
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Natale a New-York di RJ Scott
Dopo “Il miracolo di Natale”, Rj Scott torna con una nuova novella natalizia tradotta dalla cara Claudia Milani e dalla sua collega Esme White. Un appuntamento da non perdere! Sinossi: È passato molto tempo dall’ultima volta in cui Christian Matthews ha visto Daniel Bailey. Si erano incontrati all’università: Chris era all’ultimo anno e, in veste di assistente alla cattedra di letteratura, dava ripetizioni alla matricola Daniel che a tutto pensava…
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