It’s Wednesday, it’s Hump Day and today we’ve got the lovely Annabelle Jacobs in the hot seat! What was your hardest scene to write in this book? Ooh, one particular bit comes to mind, but it’s a lot spoilery, so I can’t possibly say, lol. It made me sniffle a bit while writing it. Generally I find fight scenes both hard to write and also my favourite things to write….
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Annabelle Jacobs
If You Love Military/Bodyguards/Special Forces…
The theme this week is Military/Bodyguards/Special Forces. For your chance to win a backlist ebook from me, comment with the name of your favourite!
If You Love Humorous Romance…
Make ’em laugh, make ’em laugh, don’t you know ev’ry one loves to laugh…it’s humorous romance week! For your chance to win a backlist ebook from me leave a comment with your favourite humorous book.
Letter from Matthew Shepard Foundation
The Love For All Seasons Anthology that I was part of in Spring last year was intended to support new authors with their first steps in publishing, and also for all proceeds to be split 50/50, with Love Lane covering all costs, between The The Albert Kennedy Trust and the Matthew Shepard Foundation to help support the work they do. The donations were made at the beginning of January and I’ve…
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Old Acquaintance – Annabelle Jacobs
A festive enemies to friends to lovers novella with misunderstandings, meddling friends and a mischievous cat. A lovely slow burn romance. There are two sides to every story, even those buried in the past. When Sam spots the hot guy moving in next door, he’s all for going round to introduce himself. That soon changes when it turns out his new neighbour is Charles Whitmore, an old school acquaintance. Sam…
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Hump Day Interview – Annabelle Jacobs
It’s Wednesday, it’s Hump Day, it’s time for another Hump Day Interview! Today it’s the turn of Annabelle Jacobs in the hot seat. How hard was it to go from writing m/m to writing f/f? I’d already written about Rachel’s in Bitten By the Alpha, so character-wise it was relatively easy to write her and Sara. I love writing feisty women. The hardest part for me was getting the intimate/sex…
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