The Apple Family Life with my Mac, my iPad, my iPhone, iWatch… i’m completely connected, and totally sold on Apple. I’m an easy mark whenever Apple release something shiny. Tea A Brit without tea is unthinkable! LOL… but ‘a nice cup of tea’ keeps me going – I probably drink up to ten cups a day and it’s nothing fancy, teabag, hot water, milk (in that order!) Notebook and Planner…
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Personal Post
A Day In The Life Of…
Brought to you with the combined efforts of Queen on Spotify repeat, a combination of pain killers and copious cups of tea. Normally I’d be out of the house at 6 am to go swimming – good for my knee and ongoing fight with weight loss… but, my shoulder/neck is incredibly sore today (chiropractor has fixed, I’m just waiting for everything to realign.) and that equals headaches, and all I…
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My Office
When we were looking for a new house we had two important things we needed to find. The first and most important was that somehow we could convert a garage/outbuilding/set of rooms for Matt so that he would begin to learn to have his own space and be self-sufficient whilst still being with us. The second was an office for me where I could look out the window at something nice,…
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Wellsboro – RJ’s Travels
Wellsboro is a small town in northern Pennsylvania. God I loved this town. I have so many plot bunnies from these photos. The firehouse is right opposite the paramedics station. There is a Town hall. A town square with a statue. The best steak ever. And the tiniest frontage to their cinema. Writes a entire series set in this town. 🙂 …
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The Pennyslyvania Grand Canyon – RJ’s Travels
This was possibly the coldest I have ever been. The Pennsylvania Grand Canyon. Worst thing? There was no cafe. Or indeed people. No one else was stupid enough to brave the cold and snow. Lol Still, it was beautiful, stark and stunning in the snow.
The Empire State Building – RJ’s Travels
We could see the Empire State Building from our room. It’s a stunning building and not just on the outside. The inside is Art Deco and it is gorgeous. Being at the top in the open air was unnerving. There are gaps in the fence that a very small person could fall out of. Shudders. My over active imagination has me going straight back inside. Lol I love the fact…
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The 911 Museum
The 911 museum. I had every intention of capturing images from my day at the 9/11 museum. My first sight of the new tower took my breath away and I captured it to show everyone. I took a couple of photos just inside (the last column and the huge mural) and then I stopped. I couldn’t bring myself to take any more photos. The first thing you see inside the…
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Purple Day – Epilepsy
50 Million people have epilepsy world wide. It is estimated that 1 in 100 people have epilepsy. In 50% of cases the cause is unknown. “Epilepsy is a brain disorder marked by recurring seizures, or convulsions. It affects a fifth to a third of people who have autism, compared to an estimated 1 to 2 percent of the general population (Spence 2009). The autism-epilepsy overlap appears to be most common among people who…
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