Narrated by Sean Crisden, The Rancher’s Son tells the story of Adam and Ethan, here’s what people had to say about it! “The Rancher’s Son has a perfect balance of angst and hope. Ethan’s need to know what had happened, not only to his brother but to his own first love, gets the reader to empathize with him from the beginning. You will want to cheer him up until he gets…
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Memory Loss
The Rancher’s Son Audio Book – Reviews
If You Love…Angst
Love an ugly cry? Grab those tissues and curl up with one of this week’s books, it’s Angst week! Comment for the chance to win a free backlist ebook from me
Le Fils du Rancher
Victime d’une brutale agression, John Doe n’a aucun souvenir de qui il est, ni de qui l’a frappé. Les policiers ne parviennent pas à trouver d’indices afin de l’identifier et il n’arrive pas à se rappeler de quoi que ce soit d’utile… à l’exception du nom « Ethan » et d’un endroit qui tient une place récurrente dans ses rêves. Les trois mots ne représentent pas grand-chose, mais c’est tout…
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I made myself cry… writing Daniel (Legacy 3)
I always knew this series would be emotional but… …I’ve made myself cry writing Kyle, then Gabriel, and now Daniel. The trilogy about three men linked by a terrible past has been the hardest to write but at the same time has become the series of mine most full of love and hope. Daniel is the youngest of the four men who took the stand to accuse Hank Castille of…
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The Rancher’s Son (Montana, Book 2)
A man without memories, and the cop who never gave up hope. When he wakes up in the hospital, the victim of a brutal beating, John Doe has no memories of who he is or who hurt him. The cops can find nothing to identify him and he can’t remember anything to help… except the name Ethan and one recurring place from his dreams. Two words, and they’re not much,…
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Retrograde – Flight HA1710
The story behind the series I was watching something on the TV, I don’t even know what, but I recall turning to hubby and saying I wanted to write a book about what happened after a plane crash, how it impacted the lives of people who were involved, or who observed. Then I had the inspiration of asking other authors to write a story in the same vein, all…
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