Rainbow Snippets is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation (snippets are 6 sentences long–one for each colour in the Pride flag). You can find all the snippets by clicking here. My snippet this week is from The Heart Of Texas (Texas #1). ~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~…
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Un Hiver au Texas – Disponible
Le passé de Riley revient le hanter, à la fois professionnellement et personnellement. Son frère décédé a laissé bien plus derrière lui que d’amers souvenirs auxquels Riley doit faire face. Le FBI se retrouve impliqué et soudain, c’est plus que son nom qui se retrouve sur la sellette. Jack est toujours là pour lui, mais jusqu’à quand son mari pourra-t-il se montrer compréhensif ? Surtout lorsque Riley découvre, lors de…
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Texas Gift (Texas #8)
A gift for every single reader needed to know what happened next for to Jack and Riley… When Hayley arrived on the steps of the D, Riley and Jack knew life would never be the same. Told through Riley and Jack’s eyes, this is ten years in the life of their family and watching Hayley grow up, fall in love, and start her own life. Hurricanes, illness, babies,…
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The Legacy Series
About this trilogy of books When I first announced I would be writing a trilogy of books about Kyle, Gabriel, and Daniel, I had a lot of responses that mostly went, *Yay; we get to see Jack and Riley again*. Now while this was very heartening, it also meant that instead of being a true standalone book, the books would need to have special appearances from the boys in my…
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Le Coeur du Texas – Disponible
Riley Hayes, le play-boy de la famille Hayes est un jeune homme qui semble tout avoir : argent, une carrière qu’il aime et tout un choix de jolies jeunes femmes. Son père, le PDG de la Hayes Oil, passe les rênes de la société à ses deux fils, mais une exigence particulière est attachée à la part qui revient à Riley : « se marier et rester marié pendant un…
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Texas Wedding (Texas 7)
Sometimes Riley and Jack have to be the ones to fight other people’s battles and stand up for what is right. With the life changing prospect of a yes vote from SCOTUS on the issue of same sex marriage, Riley and Jack realize they have decisions to make. Add in some distressing family news and the very real possibility that old secrets may resurface, and this book in the Texas series…
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Texas Fall (Texas #6)
Jack is focusing on building an equine therapy school for children with special needs and works hard along side his normal horse training and breeding program. He and Riley have settled into a softer, quieter, kind of family life, but that doesn’t stop them using the barn with the door to the fullest! But the lull comes before the storm. Riley and his new assistant travel to Laredo, and across…
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Texas Christmas (Texas #5)
Six men with lives linked to the Double D… Danger comes to the Double D from Liam’s past and threatens everything Jack and Riley hold dear. Centering on Jack and Riley, parents, lovers and friends. Jack makes a decision that will affect the ranch, and Riley realises peace comes at a price. Eli and Robbie have their home on Double D land. Their love is rooted in the Texas…
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Texas Family (Texas #4)
Jack and Riley Campbell-Hayes begin a journey that will change their lives forever. Set against the backdrop of the Double D, the cast of the Texas books face changes that won’t leave a single one of them untouched. Jack and Riley want to extend their small family of three. Their first choice is surrogacy with Jack as the father and when all this begins smoothly both men can’t…
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The Heart Of Texas (Texas #1)
Riley Hayes, the playboy of the Hayes family, is a young man who seems to have it all: money, a career he loves, and his pick of beautiful women. His father, CEO of HayesOil, passes control of the corporation to his two sons; but a stipulation is attached to Riley’s portion. Concerned about Riley’s lack of maturity, his father requires that Riley ‘marry and stay married for one year to someone…
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