A gift for every single reader needed to know what happened next for to Jack and Riley… When Hayley arrived on the steps of the D, Riley and Jack knew life would never be the same. Told through Riley and Jack’s eyes, this is ten years in the life of their family and watching Hayley grow up, fall in love, and start her own life. Hurricanes, illness, babies, happiness, sadness,…
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OUT NOW! Texas Gift (Texas #8) Audio Book
Recensione “Il cuore del Texas” di R.J. Scott
Quello che mi son trovata davanti oltre ad una storia affascinante e travolgente, è stato anche un insieme di tanti personaggi, tutti importanti con un ruolo ben definito che hanno reso la storia piena di tante situazioni, quindi non soltanto con protagonisti Riley e Jack, ma una storia che ruota intorno alle due famiglie ed ai rispettivi componenti. http://www.ilmondodisimis.com/2018/06/recensione-il-cuore-del-texas-di-rj.html Riley Hayes, il playboy della dinastia Hayes, è un giovanotto…
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Happy Christmas from Jack & Riley Campbell-Hayes, & RJ Scott
From the talented Sean Crisden, a special message from Jack & Riley Campbell-Hayes Texas – A story about family and everything that that word means. This is a story of murder, deceit, the struggle for power, lust and love, the sprawling life of a rancher and the whirlwind existence of a playboy. NEW FOR CHRISTMAS 2018 Can Connor show River a real family Christmas? When Connor finds River on the roof of…
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OUT NOW! Home For Christmas (Texas #9)
Can Connor show River a real family Christmas? When Connor finds River on the roof of the campus admin building, he doesn’t know what to do. His friend is drunk, and shouting into a snowstorm, a bottle of vodka in his hand. The easy part is getting River down; the hard part is insisting River comes home with Connor for Christmas. River doesn’t have a family, or any place outside…
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Order form for Home For Christmas paperback
Home for Christmas is out this week – and as usual, I’m sending out signed copies to reach you in time for Christmas. Please indicate below what you would like. Love Lane Books will invoice early December, and the books will be sent out by 10 December. ORDERS CLOSE 30 November Loading…
Recensione: L’inverno Del Texas – Serie Texas #2 – di R.J. Scott
Recensione Love Is All Around Riley deve cominciare a fidarsi davvero del marito, perché Jack non è uno che scappa; ormai dovrebbe saperlo, ma la mente umana sembra fatta apposta per creare dubbi e paure infondate. Un altro tassello del passato turbolento e sciupafemmine di Riley torna a bussare alla porta. Una commovente lettera giunta da lontano ci fa capire ancora una volta quanto Riley sia cresciuto e maturato, ma…
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L’inverno del Texas
Il passato di Riley torna a dargli la caccia, sia professionalmente sia nella vita privata. La morte del fratello si è lasciata dietro ben più degli odiosi ricordi con cui Riley dovrà fare i conti. Quando entra in gioco l’FBI, tutto d’un tratto il giovane rischia di perdere qualcosa di molto più prezioso del suo buon nome. Jack è sempre al suo fianco, ma per quanto ancora riuscirà a essere…
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Three of My Favourite-To-Write Cowboys
Oh this one was so hard. I love writing the rough and tough cowboys, and of course you will all know one of them. Jack Campbell-Hayes is an obvious inclusion on my list and as I listed him as one of my favorite Alpha Males in a previous *best of* post I thought I would think of three more. So you get four for the price of three. Nate Todd…
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Home For Christmas (Texas #9)
Can Connor show River a real family Christmas? When Connor finds River on the roof of the campus admin building, he doesn’t know what to do. His friend is drunk, and shouting into a snowstorm, a bottle of vodka in his hand. The easy part is getting River down; the hard part is insisting River comes home with Connor for Christmas. River doesn’t have a family, or any place outside…
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