2016 has been another very busy year, and it’s only when I get to this point in the year and I summarize everything that I realise just how busy it’s been.
Over 600,000 words, 13 new published stories, translations and audio of Texas, and others… yep, there is a reason I am feeling tired.
So if you are interested, here is how my 2016 played out…
Total words written in 2016 (1 January 2016 up to and including 20 December) – 627,202
The Heart of Texas | 08/09/2016 |
Texas Winter | 31/12/2016 |
The Rancher’s Son (Montana 2) | 24/03/2016 |
Kissing Alex (Bodyguards Inc 6) | 26/04/2016 |
Boy Banned | 27/05/2016 |
A Cowboy’s Home (Montana 3) | 08/07/2016 |
Kyle – The First Legacy (Legacy 1) | 31/08/2016 |
Snow in Montana (Montana 4) | 08/12/2016 |
Ice (with Chris Quinton) | 03/07/2016 |
The Road to Frosty Hollow (with Meredith Russell) | 21/12/2016 |
Three | 10/03/2016 |
Notes and Roses (Stanford Creek 1) | 25/02/2016 |
Love and Hope (Stanford Creek 2 | 01/09/2016 |
The Code (Dragons Hockey 1) | 26/10/2016 |
Snow and Secrets (Stanford Creek 3) | 15/11/2016 |
L’apparenza Inganna (Still Waters, Sanctuary 4) | 02/03/2016 |
Il cerchio si chiude (Full Circle, Sanctuary 5) | 15/07/2016 |
Il diario dei segreti (The Journal of Sanctuary One, Sanctuary 6) | 18/11/2016 |
Eaux Calmes (Still Waters, Sanctuary 4) | 12/04/2016 |
Cercle Fermé (Full Circle, Sanctuary 5) | 15/07/2016 |
Ein Weihnachtswunder (The Christmas Throwaway) | 01/12/2016 |
The Rancher’s Son (Montana 2) | 24/03/2016 |
A Cowboy’s Home (Montana 3) | 08/07/2016 |
Snow In Montana (Montana 4) | 08/12/2016 |
Love’s Design / Kissing Alex (Bodyguards Inc Volume 2) | 26/04/2016 |
Boy Banned | 27/05/2016 |
Kyle (Legacy 1) | 31/08/2016 |
Heat / Ice (Salisbury Stories) | 03/07/2016 |
The Code (Dragons Hockey 1) | 26/10/2016 |
Back Home | re-release TB |
Ellery Mountain (Volume 3) | 26/01/2016 |
Notes and Roses (Stanford Creek 1) | 01/07/2016 |
Here’s to 2017! |
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