Today’s teaser comes from Pride (Single Dads 6)
Coming February 2023
First draft – completely unedited
I scrolled through my contacts and sent Nick a message. < breakfast? >
< Get your ass over here now. We have bacon. >
I sent him back twenty pig emojis, and he replied with a middle finger emoji, and the shadow that had descended slipped slowly to one side. I needed some time with my friend and his family, particularly because Ben wasn’t here. I missed my son completely and utterly, and I used to have him staying with me every other weekend, until my ex and her new husband moved to Seattle. It happened the same weekend I found the lump, and everything serendipitously fell into place. Ben was visiting on fewer occasions, but, for longer.
Until that was, I couldn’t have him staying any more.
Another bridge to cross, another worry to ignore.
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