Yes, I know I owe a GRL round up. I am so swamped with deadlines that it’s all slipped through the cracks, so to speak… more soon… promise. One bit of news is that we will try our best to get to San Diego next October if we can. ๐
New Releases
Out now is Darach’s Cariad – Book 2 in The Fire Trilogy. This series is one of my babies and is a re-release. I love this series because it crosses strong men with magik and danger. I hope you enjoy!
Darach Gravenor is a keeper of blue Fire. He is alone in his world and he wants to rescue his friend Kian from the horrors of the Other World.
Ceithin Morgan is Cariad. Strong with Ancient magic he teaches Darach that not all children’s fairy stories should be believed. Ceithin has his own reasons for helping Darach and shows Darach that there is magic that he never even knew existed.
They are living on borrowed time. Guardian knows what they are doing and he is coming for Ceithin. Darach and Ceithin have two choices — do they run, or do they make their stand together?
* * * * * As with all my titles originally with Silver Publishing, if you bought the original Darach, please contact me with proof of purchase and I will happily send you an updated copy. * * * * *
Book 1 in the Fire series, Kian’s Hunter, is available at Love Lane Books, ARe and Amazon at 99c for the rest of November. So can pick up Kian + Darach for under $4. The buy links are here: Kian’s Hunter – Fire #1
The Gallows Tree was on sale for a week to celebrate Halloween and Bonfire night and we were quite shocked that it even popped it’s head into the MM top hundred on Amazon briefly. If you read it and enjoyed it then let me know, or alternatively post a review on Amazon (that would be cool!)
Texas Fall
This book is in editing and there is something like only twenty or so days until it will be available. I am SO excited for you all to read the latest installment in Jack and Riley’s life.

Angel In A Book Shop
As of today (5 November) I am over half way through the book. Michael and Josh are just so interesting and exciting to write, and kind of hot, and this book will be with you mid December with a wintery seasonal theme just in time for Christmas.
Posts you may have missed
Heat, written with Chris Quinton – Out Now
Storming Love: Blizzard – Seth & Casey
Love Is…
It’s my money, not yours.
Coming soon… translations into French and Italian of New York Christmas – Cover Art
Wow! I'm counting the days for Texas Fall. Love Love Love Jack & Riley.