2016 was another busy year. I got my rights back to Crooked Tree Ranch and immediately wrote books 2, 3, and 4 in that series. I also wrote my first MF books, Notes and Roses, and The Code (The Code was a hockey romance, which in a way is how I met VL Locey, but more on her in a later year post!)
Books include: The Agent and the Model, Notes and Roses, L’apparenza Inganna, Three, The Rancher’s Son, Eaux Calmes, Kissing Alex, Boy Banned, Ice, A Cowboy’s Home, Il cerchio si chiude, Cercle Fermé, Kyle, The Code, Il diario dei segreti, Il miracolo di Natale, Jeté à la rue pour Noël, Snow In Montana, Ein Weihnachtswunder, The Road to Frosty Hollow, Bodyguards Inc Volume 3
I had my first German Translation – The Christmas Throwaway, along with others in French and Italian, and also started a brand new spin-off from Texas – the Legacy series.
This was high angst – the most angsty I have ever written (Until writing Winter Cowboy!) and the three books dealt with strong themes of abuse, and prostitution, and homelessness, all connected to a place that Jack Campbell Hayes sets up on DD land.
This was balanced by the singing competition book, Boy Banned, a brand new Ellery book now that I had most of my Ellery books back from Pride, and a book with Meredith, Frosty Hollow, for Christmas.
I also did my first call for a Valentines’ antho, opening it up to brand new authors, and that was a lovely way to give back.
This was the year I discovered Hockey Romance – and I’ve never looked back! Do you read sports romance? Do you like football? Hockey? Diving? Tell me your thoughts below. Comment below for a chance to win.
Prize: An e-book from this featured year, or your choice from my backlist
The Code
Lusting after his best friend's sister breaks every code he lives by, but one kiss is all it takes to fall in love.
Ryan Flynn’s life and career with the Ice Dragons hockey team is defined by a code: friendship, loyalty, respect, leadership, and protection. A call from his best friend’s sister ends up with him taking her home, and it’s all he can do to remember that she’s off limits. It doesn’t matter that she’s too much of a temptation for a man on the edge, he’s promised her brother he wouldn’t let any guy in professional sports anywhere near her, and that includes him.
Kat has been in lust with hockey player Ryan Flynn since she first laid eyes on him. The problem? Ryan is her brother’s best friend, bound by a complicated code of chivalry both on and off the ice. When he rescues her and then takes her home, she just needs a single kiss—and he is more than happy to help her out. When the kiss is just the start of something they need to hide from her brother, abruptly things are out of control.
Could Ryan, the hard man of the Dragons, see her as anything more than his best friend’s sister? And will Kat be able to catch and keep this Dragon who is the other half of her?
NB: This story features male/female romance from the bestselling male/male romance author RJ Scott.
More info →Notes & Roses
It’s time to stop running
Former pop star CJ Taylor is starting a new life. His stalker is behind bars, he’s taken back his birth name, and he’s bought a house in a small Vermont town. As Cody Brennan, he finally feels safe and wants to write new music and forget about his tragic past, but an accident nearly destroys everything.
Florist Megan Campbell is horrified when a stranger, covered in blood, collapses in her shop. Cody’s erratic behavior startles her at first, but as he recover, attraction to the stranger grows. Her family thinks she should curb her feelings, and worries about her safety—she worries about her heart.
From her amber eyes to her tempting smile, Megan is everything Cody promised himself to avoid. The more he gets to know her, the more he wants to stay. When his past begins to catch up to him in the form of violent threats, will they stay safe long enough to fall in love?
More info →Ice
Nothing is worth dying for—not even millions in diamonds.
Footloose adventurer Greg Drakowski used to live for the moment, but these days shadows of grief and guilt cling to him. Following one lead to the next, Greg crosses oceans at the very hint of riches beyond compare and doesn’t care that he rushes into danger.
When Greg’s research takes him to the cathedral city of Salisbury, and he meets Jon, he falls hard and fast, but his secrets could get them both killed.
Renovations expert Jonathan Ellis is part of Ageless Wood Restorations - three generations of knowledge and trade. Focused and hard-working, Jon finds value in recreating the elegance of the past, and it will take something - or someone - extraordinary to break into his enclosed world.
Greg And Jon face unknown dangers, but Jon knows one thing for sure. He has to stand by Greg if only to save the idiot from himself.
More info →Three
Mark is finding his way in life after six years in the army. He’s always wanted to write scripts for TV, and for one show, in particular, Tomorrow’s Game.
Half in lust already with the lead actor Zach, he is shocked when he ends up in Zach’s bed. Not just that, but Zach’s co-star Rob is part of the package.
Is this just hot sex or can two become three?
More info →The Road to Frosty Hollow
Nick and Cameron face old demons, and find new love, on a Winter road trip.
Former Marine Nick Sheridan is at a crossroads. With his entire life ahead of him he struggles to find direction and his place in the world. Car sharing to get home for his sister’s Christmas wedding seems like a good idea at first. Spending the time with the man he kissed and left years before, maybe not so much.
Cameron Bennett lost most of his teenage years to cancer and he now lives every day to the fullest. He decides to drive from Seattle to Vermont for his best friend’s wedding and capture moments of it on film. He hadn’t planned on car sharing with the man who kissed him ten years ago, but somehow he ends up with a brooding Nick by his side.
Along the way, the men learn that sometimes life plans mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. Love can be found in the most unexpected of ways, and facing your demons head-on is sometimes the only way to live.
More info →Eaux Calmes
Adam a reçu une nouvelle mission pour le Sanctuaire. Ce qui signifie qu’il va devoir travailler avec l’homme qui ne lui a pas fait confiance et qui a détruit leur relation, il y a deux ans.
Il déteste toujours Lee, mais Jake Callahan, le directeur du Sanctuaire, ne lui laisse pas le choix, insistant sur le fait qu’ils doivent se débrouiller pour le bien de l’affaire relevant des deux agences.
Lee veut désespérément comprendre pourquoi Adam a trahi le Bureau. Il est toujours en colère et déçu, mais ses souvenirs ne veulent pas le laisser tranquille.
L’affaire Bullen est l’occasion rêvée pour revenir dans la vie de son ex-amant, et il est déterminé à découvrir la vérité.
Sous le prétexte du Sanctuaire et de l’affaire Bullen, pourront-ils comprendre et croire que ce qu’ils pensaient réel et vrai ne l’était pas forcément ?
Traduction de l’anglais : Bénédicte Girault
Relecture et corrections : Lady L
Cercle Fermé
Manny Sullivan est le pivot du Sanctuaire. Il a les mains et les yeux partout et quand il voit Josh Headley là où il ne devrait pas être, c’est lui qui va à sa rescousse et le sauve.
Josh bénéficie du programme de protection des témoins du Sanctuaire, après que son père ait décidé de se retourner contre les Bullen. Non seulement son père est un meurtrier, mais son ex est un menteur qui l’utilisait pour recueillir des informations. Avec ses capacités dans la recherche d’informations, il espère apporter sa contribution à une solution.
Le dossier qui a commencé avec la mort d’Elisabeth Costain arrive à sa fin, et Josh et Manny se retrouvent au milieu de tout cela. Alors quand Manny risque sa vie, est-il enfin temps pour Josh de risquer son cœur?
Traduction de l’anglais : Bénédicte Girault
Relecture et corrections : Lady L
Il Diario Dei Segreti
Jake trascorre sempre il Natale al Santuario uno.
Sin dalla sua infanzia, la cabina nascosta nei boschi è stata la meta della sua famiglia per le festività, e ora, con l’avvicinarsi del terzo anniversario dalla morte del padre, Jake organizza una breve vacanza per se stesso, Kayden e Beckett. Purtroppo, una tempesta di neve blocca il fratello e il suo ragazzo a New York e Jake si ritrova da solo in montagna.
Sean è in fuga e l’unico posto dove può rifugiarsi è una cabina di cui si fa cenno in un vecchio diario: la prima casa protetta del Santuario. La cabina non è più usata a scopo protettivo, ma sarebbe comunque un buon riparo dove potersi prendere cura delle proprie ferite e fare un bilancio della propria vita.
Nessuno dei due uomini è preparato a trascorrere una settimana di isolamento in reciproca compagnia e neppure a fronteggiare i segreti che minacciano di ucciderli entrambi.
Traduttore: Claudia Milani
More info →Il cerchio si chiude
Manny Sullivan è la spina dorsale del Santuario. Nulla sfugge al suo sguardo attento e quando Manny scorge Josh Headley dove non dovrebbe essere, è lui che corre a salvarlo.
Josh è entrato sotto la protezione della Fondazione dopo che il padre ha deciso di testimoniare contro i Bullen. La sua vita sembra essere a un punto morto: non solo il genitore è un assassino, ma il suo ragazzo si rivela un bugiardo che stava con lui al solo scopo di carpirgli informazioni. Spera però che le sue capacità informatiche gli permettano di dare il suo contributo per giungere alla conclusione del caso.
La storia che ebbe inizio con l’omicidio di Elisabeth Costain si sta avvicinando alla conclusione e Josh e Manny si trovano al centro dell’azione.
Quando Manny mette a rischio al propria vita, sarà forse arrivato per Josh il momento di mettere a rischio il proprio cuore?
Traduttore: Claudia Milani
More info →L’apparenza inganna
Il nuovo incarico di Adam lo vede costretto a lavorare insieme a un uomo che odia. Lo stesso uomo che due anni prima ha dimostrato di non avere fiducia in lui e in un solo giorno ha distrutto il loro rapporto.
Lee è deciso a scoprire perché Adam ha tradito il Bureau e il caso Bullen gli presenta la scusa perfetta per rientrare nella vita dell’ex amante.
La Fondazione Santuario e il caso Bullen sullo sfondo, riusciranno i due a capire che non tutto ciò che credevano fosse vero era reale?
Traduttore: Claudia Milani
More info →Boy Banned
The judges of the reality television show, SING UK, create a boy band from near-miss hopefuls. Agreeing to become part of the new band means Corey has to hide who he is and what Angel has come to mean to him. Is winning worth the price Corey and Angel have to pay?
Reuben “Angel” Jacobs is one step away from giving it all up. Losing a place in the live finals of Sing UK almost kills him. He has no choice but to go home and work for the family business, even though it means giving up his dreams and proving his old bullies right.
Corey Dixon is a rocker at heart. Being on the spectrum means that making sense of other people’s ‘normal’ is hard in itself, let alone in the chaos of a high-powered competition. Singing is his safe space, the only way he can think through the noise in his head. Messing up his audition for the live shows means his journey is over, and it’s the worst day of his life.
The judges throw them a lifeline and create a boy band from the near-miss hopefuls. Angel, Corey, and three others are put together in a room and offered the chance to sing as a group. Agreeing to become part of the new band means Corey has to hide who he is and what Angel has come to mean to him.
Is winning worth the price Corey and Angel have to pay?
More info →The Agent and the Model
As Michael finally finds the person who left him for dead, can the love he'd found with Alex survive the fallout?
Michael survived a hate crime but is haunted by memories beyond his grasp and plagued by relentless nightmares. When he leaves his life as a catwalk model ad returns home to confront his past, it’s his present in the shape his persistent agent, Alex, who refuses to leave him alone. Once he thought he loved Alex, but their relationship crumbled is destroyed when Alex's well-intentioned but suffocating tendency to protect Michael becomes their downfall.
Michael loves Alex, and always will, and protecting the man he loves is everything. Only, in protecting Michael he loses everything, and he wants a second chance to prove that he can change. When he’s drawn into the darkness of Michael’s past, he’s determined to be a very different kind of person—someone Michael can depend on. Secrets rarely remain hidden, and the pursuit of the person who nearly took Michael's life presents a formidable challenge. The prospect of remaining passive becomes increasingly difficult as danger looms closer. Will history repeat itself, causing Alex to lose Michael once more?
More info →Ein Weihnachtswunder
Für Zachary Weston bedeutet Weihnachten, dass er auf einer Bank auf dem Kirchhof bei Eis und Schnee schläft, ohne Aussicht auf Besserung seiner Situation: Aus dem Haus geworfen, weil er schwul ist, hat er kein Geld und, wie es aussieht, auch keinen Platz, wo er hingehen könnte. Erst ein Fremder zeigt ihm, dass es doch noch Menschen gibt, die mehr als Verachtung für ihn übrig haben.
Ben Hamilton ist ein frisch gebackener Polizist in seiner kleinen Heimatstadt. Er findet einen Ausreißer aus der Großstadt, der an einem verschneiten Heiligabend auf einer Friedhofsbank schläft. Kann er derjenige sein, der Zachary sein eigenes Weihnachtswunder schenkt?
More info →Jeté à la rue pour Noël
Noël est une époque de partage, mais que feriez-vous si tout le monde s’en foutait ?
Pour Zachary Weston, Noël signifie dormir sur un banc du cimetière, dans le froid et la neige, sans perspective d’avenir. Jeté hors de son domicile parce qu’il est gay, il est seul et sans argent et n’a, apparemment, nulle part où aller. Jusqu’à ce qu’un étranger lui montre que certaines personnes s’en foutent pas du tout.
Ben Hamilton est un bleu chez les flics de sa petite ville natale de province. Le soir du réveillon de Noël, il trouve un jeune, fraîchement débarqué en ville, qui a été mis à la porte et qui dort sur un banc du cimetière de l’église. Peut-il être celui qui offrira à Zachary son propre miracle de Noël ?
More info →Il miracolo di Natale
Per Zachary Weston Natale significa dormire su una panchina nel sagrato di una chiesa, sotto alla neve e senza nessuna speranza per il futuro. Cacciato di casa a causa della sua omosessualità, Zach si ritrova senza soldi e senza un posto dove andare. Finché uno sconosciuto non gli dimostra che lo spirito del Natale non è morto.
Ben Hamilton è un novellino appena assunto dalla stazione di polizia del paese in cui è cresciuto. La notte della Vigilia, trova un giovane sconosciuto addormentato su una panchina. Sarà capace di compiere per lui un autentico miracolo di Natale?
More info →Kyle
Two men destroyed by the past learn to live—and love—again.
Kyle Braden has nowhere else to go. With no money and no prospects, he turns to the only man who promises him help. Jack Campbell-Hayes wants to show Kyle that he can be more than he ever thought.
Kyle begins to see how far he’s come from being the scarred man who shut everyone out, when the first person through the doors of Legacy Ranch is Jason; a young man with nightmares that follow him when he's awake.
Lost in the system and with three years on the streets marking every inch of his body, Jason Smith is scared. His life is an evil mess of hate and despair, and even the offer of a fresh start and a clean bed isn’t enough for him to feel safe. Until Kyle comes into his life and shows him that it's okay not to be in control.
For these broken men, Legacy Ranch offers more than a place to live and work.
It offers hope.
More info →Kissing Alex
A remote Scottish island might be the only safe place to hide.
Martial arts expert Lewis is the kind of bodyguard who slips under most people’s radar. Quiet, reserved, but constantly on alert, he’ll do his job, keep his charges safe, then relax by reading Shakespeare in his spare time.
When he’s given a case involving a spoiled celebrity singer, Lewis isn’t all that impressed. The job is nothing but babysitting a pretty boy, and he’s used to diplomatic postings with depth and challenge. What could he possibly have in common with the man he’s being forced to look after?
Alex became the envy of many when he and his fellow bandmates won second place in a huge TV talent show. He has more money than he knows what to do with, no life goals, an ex-boyfriend selling a sex tape, and now, someone who wants him dead, or at the very least maimed.
Can Lewis keep Alex safe, even when things usually in his control go to hell? Is running to a remote Scottish island the only way for them to stay alive?
More info →Snow In Montana
A small-town sheriff faces chaos when the closeted actor he loves is forcibly outed by a stalker.
Jordan Darby, AKA King of Christmas, is famous for starring in eight made-for-TV holiday romances, always ending up with the girl. But filming at Crooked Tree Ranch in the snowy Montana wilderness, Jordan is battling to establish his new company while keeping a massive secret under wraps. Who would believe in his romantic straight lead persona if rumors about him being gay were confirmed?
Sheriff Ryan Carter believed that advising on a movie set at Crooked Tree would be straightforward until he encountered the charismatic lead actor. As their attraction grows in secret, Jordan's hidden truth is revealed through betrayal, plunging Ryan's once-peaceful life into disarray.
Set against the dramatic backdrop of Montana’s winter wonderland, will Jordan find the courage to be true to himself and build a future with Ryan?
More info →A Cowboy’s Home
One burned and broken man finds his way back to Crooked Tree Ranch. Can he find peace in the arms of a man easy to love?
Justin, scarred by his service battling domestic terrorism, never truly embraced the man he was meant to be. Haunted by the death of his best friend—a tragedy he feels responsible for—Justin's life is a constant struggle. After getting shot, he decides that if he's going to die, it should be on the soil of Crooked Tree Ranch. Home.
Ranch chef Sam, deeply rooted in Crooked Tree’s legacy, sees the offer to buy into the ranch as a dream come true. But when he finds the secretive, injured Justin, his priorities shift.
As they navigate their feelings amidst the breathtaking backdrop of Montana, Justin must confront his past to face his future and learn to live as part of a family. In a place where bonds run deep and love heals all wounds, can a broken cowboy find solace and a home in the arms of the man who loves him?
More info →The Rancher’s Son
A man without memories and a heartbroken cop who never gave up hope.
Waking up in the hospital after a brutal beating, John Doe has no memory of who he is or who attacked him. The police find no clues to his identity, and he can't recall anything useful—except for the name Ethan and a recurring image of a place from his dreams: Crooked Tree. These two cryptic words are his only lead.
With his family at the center of a loss, Detective Ethan Allens has never stopped working on the cold case of two boys who vanished twelve years ago. When a report with potential new leads crosses his desk, Ethan heads to the hospital. The man he finds isn't his brother, but he holds the key to unraveling the mystery of the past.
As they delve into a web of forgotten memories and hidden truths, they must confront the real demons of the past. Against all odds, a connection forms between them, but if they find the truth, will it destroy their future?
Set against the rugged backdrop of Crooked Tree Ranch, Montana, this is a story of hope, resilience, and unexpected love.
More info →
I love to read about hockey, football and soccer, but I’m a sports fanatic so anything pretty much goes as long as it’s action packed.
I love sports romances. I’m not very picky about which sport.
Not a big sports fan but I do enjoy watching the Olympics. Gymnastics, swimming, diving, track n field and beach volleyball are my favorites to watch.
I love reading your stories about hockey. I haven’t watched a real game though. I love watching Little League games and football.
I like baseball. Lazy days, peanuts, shouting vendors, singing “Take Me Out the Ballgame”, statistics, playing Catch or a version of Pickle. I think of summer, I think of baseball.
i love hockey stories,but will really will read an sport stories.
Love sports books and really like the whole super jock attitude especially when he falls in love with the quintessential nerd. Love hockey romances and swimming ones.
Siobhan, you’re a winner, email Rjscott.team@gmail.com
I loooove sports romance! Regardless of discipline
I grew up in an NHL city and I love hockey-themed romances!
Like hockey stories.
I’m not a sports fan but I love reading MM romance with any kind of sport involved. You and Vicki got me hooked on hockey romance.
I forgot to say that 2016 is the year I discovered your books and I’ve never looked back. You are one of the most generous persons I’ve met online. I think I have nearly all of your books (I know I have all of the audios). I admit that I haven’t made time to read absolutely all of them yet but I’ll get there eventually. <3 <3
Absolutely! Who knew I was a hockey fan, but I’ve read several M/M hockey romances and they’re some of my favorites. I’ve also read some with American football and soccer themes.
I’m a hockey fan mainly, but also enjoy stories with more unusual sports, clashing sports, or a jock-meets-geek/klutz romance….
I really like sports books, I got some of them on football, but I haven’t had time to read them yet. I also love those on martial arts and boxing
I am not a hugh sports fan, but I love sports romance.
I love all romances…sports included. I think you can expand your knowledge in every area. Who can know too much?
I really enjoy reading sports romances. There have only been a few so far that covered hockey, baseball, rodeo, and gymnastics. I look forward to reading others like those and expanding to soccer, football, figure skating… and I hope to find some that involve other equine sports like dressage.
I have read a few ice hockey books and football books. I quite enjoyed them