For a Rainy Afternoon – RJ Scott – April 1
Food for Thought – Amy Lane – April 8
Lost Along the Way – Marie Sexton – April 15
Cookies for Courting – Amber Kell – April 22
Just Desserts – Mary Calmes – April 29
Cookies for Courting – Amber Kell – April 22
Pace is intrigued by his tiny client, and even more interested in her handsome uncle, but Pace isn’t certain he’s ready for the commitment of an instant family.
When Marshall decides to move for the sake of his niece, will he be able to keep his relationship with his young artist, or will he have to give up love to become a good father for a lonely little girl?
Amber Kell has made a career out of daydreaming. It has been a lifelong habit she practices diligently as shown by her complete lack of focus on anything not related to her fantasy world building.
When she told her husband what she wanted to do with her life he told her to go have fun.
During those seconds she isn’t writing she remembers she has children who humor her with games of ‘what if’ and let her drag them to foreign lands to gather inspiration. Her youngest confided in her that he wants to write because he longs for a website and an author name—two things apparently necessary to be a proper writer.
Despite her husband’s insistence she doesn’t drink enough to be a true literary genius she continues to spin stories of people falling happily in love and staying that way.
She is thwarted during the day by a traffic jam of cats on the stairway and a puppy who insists on walks, but she bravely perseveres.
email: amberkellwrites@gmail.com
website: www.amberkell.com
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amber.kell.7
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