Merry Christmas!
Did you know that if you were born on Christmas Day chances are you would become a werewolf? Some thought it was disrespectful to heaven and Jesus. (Good job my brother’s birthday is the 20th then or he may have been shaving early)
First, let’s appreciate a young Oliver Reed…
Okay, I think that will do though I now have the urge to go watch Oliver! Or The Three Musketeers.
On writing The Good Wolf I looked at the various myths, lore and ideas in fiction about werewolves, their transformations and possible cures.
I watched some of my favourite werewolf movies including An American Werewolf in London, Attack of the Werewolves, Ginger Snaps and Red Riding Hood. I’m also a fan of the MTV show Teen Wolf.
I just had to decide what my werewolves were going to be. Were they like the Wolfman and some man-beast mix, were they very pretty like Twilight or something in between. The same went for how they were made, what hurt them/killed them, what powers they might have and how they might be cured. And just like Mason says in the story, one of the more amusing I found was the idea of being cured by rolling around on the grass in the morning dew.
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and remember to keep an eye on anyone celebrating their birthday on Christmas Day, especially if they like to bite 🙂
The Good Wolf (The Lone Wolves Trilogy Book 1)
Sometimes the only way to let love in is to let the wolf in, too.
Ten years ago, Mason fell for his best friend while at university. Little did he know just two years later, that same friend would turn his world upside down in a way Mason could never have imagined. Now, he lives a cursed life. Living in solitude, Mason does everything he can to keep people away, not only for his safety, but for theirs too.
The night of the full moon. Niall has no idea he’s a werewolf, but fate brings him and Mason together. A trick of the moon or something deeper, the men are drawn to each other. Together they must find a way to deal with what has happened to them both. But first Mason must learn to trust Niall and realize being alone is not always for the best.
“… Gruesome. Brutal. Fierce… Meredith Russell has built a paranormal world unlike most other romanticized werewolf cultures. This is a horror story at its most… well, horrid…
This is as good a horror/romance blend as it is possible to be….”
Mrs Condit & Friends Read Books – 5/5 – “….This is a brilliant story that takes us back to the horror of werewolves, where they are near mindless monsters that revel in murder and terror… I loved this story for the visceral feel to it, the unapologetic way it shows the werewolves as nasty and the darker haunting way that Mason has dealt with it.
I recommend this gem to those who love base werewolves, fighting instinct and urges, a battle for life, destroying the evil and finding a happiness that was never expected…..”
M/M Good Book Reviews – 4.5/5 – “…[Meredith] did a great job with story, characters and writing. If you love werewolf romance and want something with a little more bite you will love this tale….”
Book Fan, Amazon – 5/5 – “….Wow okay when I picked this one up I was unaware that it portrayed the dark side of werewolf lore… BUT this one was fantastic! The book kept my interest the whole time and had a very satisfying conclusion. Definitely one of my favorites….”
Kaylee Shyanne, Goodreads – 5/5 – “….Dare I hope it won’t be a long wait for book two?…”
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About Meredith
Meredith Russell lives in the heart of England. An avid fan of many story genres, she enjoys nothing less than a happy ending.
She believes in heroes and romance and strives to reflect this in her writing.
Sharing her imagination and passion for stories and characters is a dream Meredith is excited to turn into reality.
Biting could be good!
depends on who is doing it… ROFL xxx