It’s nearing the end of week two of NaNo and I’m still on track, 33,850 words written so far, you can find out a little about NaNo here along with what I’m writing this month.
Winners of the ARC Giveaway for Texas Gift (Texas #8) are Alec Dunmore and Angela VR. Congratulations!
It’s All About The Audio on Monday was The Heart of Texas (Texas #1) Narrated by the wonderful Sean Crisden.
On Tuesday the Italian translation of The Code (Ice Dragons #1), Il Codice, was released and has some fabulous reviews.
Wednesday it was Hump Day Interview time and this week Kay Berrisford stopped by. There’s still a couple of days left to enter the giveaway to win a $15 gift card so head over to the post and answer the question.
The first Feature Friday guest was Joanna Chambers, she came to talk about her recent audio release, Beguiled (Enlightenment #2) a series I love and can’t wait to listen to this. She’s also got a Christmas Anthology out in a couple of weeks.
Amber Kell is back with a new release, Pursuing Peter (Moon Pack #16), details and an excerpt can be found here.
Rainbow Snippets this week was from Texas Gift (Texas #8) and another sneak peek as to what’s going down at the Double D. Texas Gift is out in just 3 days!!
The Queer Romance Freebie Fan Club are having a HUGE Christmas Group Hop, with giveaways at each stop and the chance to win a Kindle Paperwhite, find out about it here.
Hope you’ve all had a great weekend. *hugs* RJ <3
Congrats about the word count!
Congrats to the lucky winners.
Hope you had a great weekend Rj.