I was nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award by SJD Peterson. SJD, or as I like to call her *The stealer of my editor* is a male/male romance author writing the coolest stories that are on my my must read list.
Go visit her HERE and if you haven’t read Lorcan’s Desire then I recommend it highly!
The Rules:
Display the award logo on your blog.
Link back to the person who nominated you.
State 7 things about yourself.
Nominate 15 bloggers for this award and link to them.
Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.
7 Things About Me:
- I was born in Singapore where my dad had been posted in the Royal Air Force
- I cried at a Lassie film at the age of 2
- My favourite song ever is *Like A Prayer* by Madonna
- I have the best children ever; B is gorgeous and funny and brave. Matt is my little monster but manages to make us laugh every day.
- My first writing for people to read was in the Jared/Jensen fandom.
- Sanctuary, was an idea I had twenty years ago – I wrote a Het romance and actually got two chapters in before deciding long hand writing was exhausting and decided to keep the ideas in my head.
- My favorite film is *The Empire Strikes Back* and I wanted Han Solo SO bad… I wanted to be Leia just so he could put his *dirty* hands on me… ROFL
Other Inspiring Blogs:
CLICK AROUND and visit some of these other blogs. Each of the blogs I’ve suggested are ones I follow personally and have enjoyed… perhaps you’ll find a new blog to love too…
Gale Stanley says
Very cool! Thanks RJ. Going to spread the love.
RJ Scott says
he he… hugs x
Anonymous says
R.J, I just wanted to leave a small note that I really love you books in e-book form yo are very inspiring to read and enjoy can not wait to read more of your work here in 2013.
Jeffrey Lee
Long Beach, Ca.
RJ Scott says
You don't know how reading this is absolutely perfect timing. I am having the day from hell and i love that you took the time to tell me this… hugs you hard… Rj xxx
Violet Lemon says
I will always, always remember you musing about should you write, and how much you've inspired, encouraged, and supported me (even if I am the slowest writer ever). <3
RJ Scott says
I love you big time my friend… despite your weird taste in men… ROFL and hugs you xxxx