It’s day 9 of my 12 days of Christmas and today I’d like to introduce you to Amy Lane, welcome Amy!
So, my Christmas story this year is about the changes that can be wrought on the life of an uptight lawyer with the addition of one very small, very adorable dog.
Now, I just did an entire blog tour about the damned dogs—I figured since they were the ones who had inspired the story, it was only fair to exploit their lives for my commercial gain. (That and who doesn’t want to write an extended love letter to their most steadfast companions, right?) The dogs, quite frankly are laying at my feet, safe and adorable in their little ugly Christmas sweaters, exhausted from all the exposure, so I’m only going to write a little teeny bit about dogs and Christmas.
You MUST buy your dog something for Christmas—or the winter themed holiday of your choice.
No, it’s not a law or anything—but I’m saying. Adorable sweaters for the cold weather? Yes. Do that. A brand new dog bed that is maybe only a little more enticing than the sweater you left on the couch? Sure, it’s acceptable. Their favorite kibble? Some canned food? Why not. Knock yourself out.
No, I’m not getting kickback from PetSmart—I mean, I. Wish.
But I am talking from experience. If you have kids, and they see the dogs didn’t get anything for holiday, they’ll be crushed. They thought the dogs were human, and you’ve just kicked their cherished assumptions in the teeth. If you just have the dogs, well, you have a chance to give something to somebody, and that will make you happy.
And if you have parents, even if you thought your mother hated the dog you grew up with, she will ask you, “And what did you get your fur babies?” in that voice that assumes if you didn’t get the dog anything, you have failed as a human being.
So there you go.
Carter Embree has always hoped to be rescued from his productive, tragically boring, and (slightly) ethically compromised life. But when an urchin at a grocery store shoves a bundle of fluff into his hands, Carter goes from rescuee to rescuer—and he needs a little help.
Sandy Corrigan, the vet tech who helps ease Carter into the world of dog ownership, first assumes that Carter is a crazy-pants client who just needs to relax. But as Sandy gets a glimpse into the funny, kind, sexy man under Carter’s mild-mannered exterior, he sees that with a little care and feeding, Carter might be Super-Pet Owner—and decent boyfriend material to boot.
But Carter needs to see himself as a hero first. As he says good-bye to his pristine house and hello to carpet treatments and dog walkers, he finds that there really is more to himself than a researching drudge without a backbone. A Carter Embree can rate a Sandy Corrigan. He can be supportive, he can be a hero, he can be a man who stands up for his principles!
He can be the owner of a small dog.
About the Author
Amy Lane exists happily with her noisy family in a crumbling suburban crapmansion, and equally happily with the surprisingly demanding voices who live in her head.
She loves cats, movies, yarn, pretty colors, pretty men, shiny things, and Twu Wuv, and despises house cleaning, low fat granola bars, and vainglorious prickweenies.
She can be found at her computer, dodging housework, or simultaneously reading, watching television, and knitting, because she likes to freak people out by proving it can be done.
So many beautiful stories!
Please throw my name in the hat
I don't have a pet (yet). But you betcha I will give my pet gifts!
Thankfully, we haven't gotten anything other than fish yet. LOL.
Merry Christmas 🙂
We don't have any furry pets but we do have fish so after reading your post i'm going to make sure they have something extra on Christmas 😉
I dont have a dog but I always make my friends dog a batch of dog biscuits for Christmas!!
We have a cat and we always buy her a Christmas present even though she usually looks at it for a second and walks away.
While I like dogs and grew up with them, I'm actually a cat lady. Of course I will buy my furry family Christmas presents. Even my sainted mother did the same.
I don't have dogs anymore but I have 4 cats and they love their toys. 🙂
Thank you for the post. I don't have pets anymore but I think it would be fun to gift a toy to our pets.
humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com
Thank you for the post. We don't have pets (allergies and such), but I always like reading about them.
tankie44 at gmail dot com
We always buy our dogs gifts, and our families pets too. They are part of the family and should get something too.
I have my cat as flat mate and I do love her to bits. Even though I'm not more her human slave in her sights!
Thank you for sharing your story with us, Amy.
Going on my to read list. I buy presents for my dog and cat.
"Freckles" is an adorable story! My dog always gave me dirty looks when I put a sweater on her, then she would tiptoe around as if she couldn't walk (despite how much I made sure the sweater was loose and non-restrictive, lol).