Today’s teaser comes from The Summer House
Available now – http://rjscott.co.uk/Read-House
“Yes, and the younger brother.” She glanced at the front, then back at Connor. “Ash is the gay one,” she added in her quietest voice.
Connor refused to give any weight to that statement. Being gay like Connor wasn’t much of a tick in the column of right. Landon, the big one from the cupboard, the oldest, worked in the city in finance or something, investing his father’s millions. Benedict was the middle son, manager of the six-thousand acre Haynes Park Estate and the one getting married today. He was the reason Connor was in a monkey suit on an icy wooden pew with his knees pressed against the row in front. Then there was Ashby, the youngest, who worked for the family firm somewhere, and oh yes, a gay guy who slept around.
“You don’t need to qualify a man by whether he’s gay or not,” Connor whispered back.
Rachel quirked her lips in a soft smile. She looked sympathetic and motherly, and it freaked Connor out a bit. “If I don’t mark them out as possible, how will you ever get a boyfriend?”
“I told you before, I’ll tell you again, I don’t need a boyfriend. Especially not one you described as fucking anything that moves.”
“I did say that, didn’t I? But he’s nice, right? And you know what I’m like when I’m drunk.”
“Yeah: honest. Anyway, he’s the last thing I need,” Connor grumped.
Rachel raised one perfectly plucked eyebrow in mock surprise. “But he’s the perfect guy: shorter, dark hair, dreamy brown eyes. Pretty. And it would be short-term, so that fits everything you want.”
Connor shook his head. He’d had enough of the short-term pretty boys to last him a lifetime. If he ever had another relationship, it would be with someone normal, not entitled, rich and cute.
The Summer House
A rich playboy who lives for the now, and a Veterinarian who is ruled by his past, try to find a future together that allows for love.
Ashby Sterling-Haynes, the youngest son of a titled family, has had a lot of hookups but has never found someone worth keeping. When he meets introverted Veterinarian, Connor Lawson, he realizes this could be the man he's been waiting for.
Connor has a painful past and no room for an entitled rich guy in his future. Ashby is everything that Connor dislikes in a man and is way too sexy to be anything but a disruption to Connor’s peaceful life.
Both men refuse to believe in love for different reasons. Until they meet each other and a future together becomes real.
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