I have been told that I share more than most in the public arena, talking about Matt, autism, Briony and University, my sometimes depression, and I sometimes wonder if maybe I should share as much as I do.
But then I think. This is me. I am an author. But… being a mother, a wife, a reader, a movie goer, a news reader, all these things make me the writer that I am.
I don’t share everything—the funny things are the best, I like to think I can make people smile. But sometimes I share the stress of juggling it all which is something we are doing on a daily basis. I have the most wonderful community of Facebook and email friends that lift me when I’m struggling, and there is no price you can put on that.
Then I had a thought, I wonder if what a reader may know about me from what I post, adds anything to the experience of reading one of my books?
Does knowing my son has ASD mean that Max is a good character to have in Texas. Or not? “Oh my god, she’s pushing that autism thing again.”
People say authors should write from experience, so does having Max, an autistic child in my story add authenticity to my writing; make it more believable because of my own experience?
Do you like knowing more about an author, or would you rather know nothing about them?
Originally posted on Prism Book Alliance *outside the margins*
Kendra Patterson says
I think that the authors that share little bits of themselves make you more approachable. The fans feel comfortable asking questions about their books, characters, and future projects. I like that you bring attention to autism because as an RN I feel like sometimes it takes a celebrity to get the message out to all the laypeople that have no understanding and as an aunt to two autistic children it makes me glad that awareness is getting out there. From the moment I found Texas Winter on Amazon you became my fav author, learning you're a regular person just like your fans just made me like you more. I did think that having an autistic child was the reason you had Max have that disorder, but even if you had written that he was recovering from an abusive home, fighting cancer, had a heart condition (like Beth) or any other condition, I took it as a tool that showed how loving and strong Jack & Riley's relationship is. Keep up the good work and your fans ( like me 🙂 ) will keep buying and reading. P.S. Your Texas series is the best!!! Thx for entertaining me with hours of reading. Kendra
Laurie P says
I love the little bits of the real you that you allow us to see. Like your character, it makes you more human in our eyes. I do worry a bit about pictures of your kids, in today's world of online of pervs.
Marsha says
I like hearing about authors lives. Sometimes it makes what is written that much more special!
AiboPals says
I feel it makes you much more approachable, more real and to me at least it makes your writings more appealing. and Max definitely belongs
Hollis Shiloh says
I like it when you share things. 🙂
Solaria Saturn says
Did you know Dean Koontz has a brother with downs syndrome. He writes a character with downs syndrome in his books quite often. The character is usually a hero not the main character just a hero. I know he knows what he's writing about or writes what he feels. There is a lot of times a dog too. He loves his dogs. I understand Anne Rice had a child die of leukemia it was why she wrote Interview with a Vampire. Robert Jordan whose books I devoured kept all his fans in the loop as he battled cardiac amyloidosis a battle he lost someone else finished his work. He shared with us his real name and battles he fought in Vietnam. I love that you share with us it makes you seem like a friend and as friends do we will rally to your aid and keep reading your books. That's what you do for friends.:)
Solaria Saturn says
Did you know Dean Koontz has a brother with downs syndrome. He writes a character with downs syndrome in his books quite often. The character is usually a hero not the main character just a hero. I know he knows what he's writing about or writes what he feels. There is a lot of times a dog too. He loves his dogs. I understand Anne Rice had a child die of leukemia it was why she wrote Interview with a Vampire. Robert Jordan whose books I devoured kept all his fans in the loop as he battled cardiac amyloidosis a battle he lost someone else finished his work. He shared with us his real name and battles he fought in Vietnam. I love that you share with us it makes you seem like a friend and as friends do we will rally to your aid and keep reading your books. That's what you do for friends.:)