Final Book in the Montana Series news. Also, Montana 1-4 moves into Kindle Unlimited It’s always bittersweet when I end a series. Some I planned to be a certain amount of books, and Montana was supposed to be three books. The story of the three men involved in the *incident* which we first read about in Book (Crooked Tree Ranch). But then, Snow In Montana happened, and I decided it would be a five book series. The last story is about Rob. If you remember Justin’s parter-assassin, then yes, he is one of the characters. The other is one of the Carter brothers, the Paramedic who treated Justin *off the records*, and his name is Aaron. The book is due out 28 August and is available to pre-order now at all outlets except Amazon. Kobo – https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/second-chance-ranch-7 B&N – https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/second-chance-ranch-rj-scott/1129241028?ean=2940155762300 iTunes – https://itunes.apple.com/gb/book/second-chance-ranch/id1422572175 Smashwords – https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/887010 The fifth book will move to Amazon Exclusive on 30th August, and it will join the remainder of the Montana series which is now in Kindle Unlimited.
Just picked up Montana 5: Second Chance Ranch…went into my files and discovered I’m missing number 4, some how I missed it…looks like I got back onto my computer just in time to get #5…I fell last week at work and broke my right wrist (I’m right handed). I had surgery Sunday…hopefully i’ll be able to buy it in the future somewhere not on Amazon since I only buy EPub. I Love your books RJ…Lisette
I have emailed you direct