“I remember the first time I read The Heart of Texas, and I thought this is the most ridiculous, unbelievable, over-the-top, made for television plot that I’ve ever read. I promptly bought the next two books (because that’s all that was released at the time) and I still drag them out to re-read every now and again. Of course, my collection has grown to include every new book in the series, a series that I believed ended with book #7. But I’m guessing that just like her readers, R.J. Scott has trouble letting go of Riley and Jack and their whole extended adopted family.
This is a series that needs to be read in order from the beginning. For readers who already love this series, well, I don’t need to sell this story to you. In fact, why are you even sitting here reading this review? You should already be over at Amazon (or whichever store you prefer) buying Texas Gift and indulging in the Campbell-Hayes family – just one last time.”
“Synopsis: So I am going to admit, right here, didn’t read it at first. Seriously, this series is an auto-buy. The blurb was right to the point, not too many details but you know where this story is going.
Plot: I love the plot, it’s final part of the story and was full of twists and turns as Jack & Riley grew and as their family grew up too. The plot was around their family and how things change as everyone gets older. I’ll be doing a re-read of the whole series as soon as I can.
Main Characters: Let’s just say, I want my Jack. Riley and Jack are smoother, older and still as hot and sexy as ever.
Secondary Characters: Their children grow in this episode and they definitely added to the story. The other characters who have played a part in previous novels were more muted, the core family took centre stage and it was beautiful.”
“Never read an RJ Scott book prior to work, where your makeup is fixed, and you’re about to start your day. Tears streamed from my eyes and down my cheeks at the eloquent story telling Ms. Scott bestowed upon us in Texas Gift.
The path Ms. Scott chose for each character fit the puzzle of life and completed it as a woven tapestry, each part dependent on each other, yet independent on its own.
Life does move forward, even in the books we know and love, and sadly everything ends at some point.
Thank you, Ms. Scott, for allowing your fans to become a part of the Campbell-Hayes family; to grow with them, cry with them, laugh with them. But more importantly, to love them.”
“What is totally clear in the book, is the love between Jack and Riley, which only seems to get stronger the more years they are together. Add into this the love they have for their children, and this is one family that just keeps growing and growing.
The Texas series is one that I would highly recommend as a must buy. Once you start reading, you will not want to stop, so find a nice quiet place and be taken away into the land of Jack and Riley, and the rest of their family on the D.”
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