Welcome Eli, draw up a chair, and relax, this isn’t going to be bad, promise.
RJ: For those readers of mine who maybe haven’t tried your books (unlikely!) tell us about the kind of books you write:
EE: I write m/m romance that tends to be on the sweeter side. By that I don’t mean there isn’t any sex, but there’s usually humor and a lighter theme. I also love hurt/comfort stories and have written a fair number of those.
RJ: Your series of quickened books, I love those – what inspired you to write them?
EE: I read Molly Harper’s paranormal romance series with werewolves, which is very funny and tongue-in-cheek, and I wanted to do a similar series for m/m. I tried to think of what might be more unique than werewolves and my husband suggested dog shifters. We are big dog lovers in our household–we have 3 bulldogs. At first I was leery if I could pull it off and have it be sexy, but once I started writing the first book, I had so much fun playing with the dog characters. And when they’re in human form they are pretty hot!
RJ: My favorite has to be Roman – will we see more of him?
EE: I plan to write a 4th book in the Mad Creek series for releases late this spring. And yes, I will have Roman, Lance, Tim, Milo, and the other characters in it to some degree. I’m excited to start it, but I have a few other things to finish first.
RJ: what is your favorite of your series? Or your favorite book you’ve written?
EE: That’s really hard to say. I love the Howl at the Moon/Mad Creek books. That’s probably my favorite series. I also love writing Christmas stories and my favorites are Unwrapping Hank and Merry Christmas, Mr. Miggles. And I am really fond of A Second Harvest, because the older MC is very near to my heart and it’s set on our RL farm, basically. I’m going to be working on another book in the Men of Lancaster County series soon.
RJ: I love your Christmas stories! Unwrapping Hank is my fave 😉 So what plans do you have for Christmas 2017? And ooohh another men of Lancaster County book… 🙂
EE: I haven’t thought about it yet. Lol. Hopefully, I can come up with something good. Last year I got the inspiration for Merry Christmas, Mr. Miggles after watching “A Single Man” with Colin Firth and I was really pleased with the concept. Sometimes those things come easily and sometimes they’re elusive as hell!
RJ: I totally get that! So… I’ve just finished the read of your new book Snowblind, what was it like to write 2 alpha men like that?
EE: It was a bit weird, to be honest. Lol. It comes more naturally to me to write characters that are — frailer isn’t the right word, but let’s say less perfect and buff. The main idea I had for that story was this twisty, spy-vs-spy thing where the story keeps turning. And I hope I sort of pulled that off. But the two men were both very alpha and I found myself laughing out loud writing some of the sex scenes. In a ‘I can’t believe I’m writing these words’, cheek-burning-with-embarrassment kind of way.
RJ: LOL… It certainly twists to become something quite different to what I was expecting. I was so surprised. When is it available?
EE: It’s out Mar 1 from Dreamspinner.
RJ: So, what if a new reader comes to me and asks what I recommend? I wouldn’t know where to start, as you know I fan girl you completely (LOL). So, what is your most popular book – what should people read of yours first?
EE: The book with the biggest ranking on Goodreads is Blame it on the Mistletoe and then Unwrapping Hank. So if you like Christmas books, I’d suggest starting with one of those. For not-CHristmas, The Mating of Michael or A Second Harvest.
RJ: Clear up something for me… how do you say ELI… now I say Elly, but I think you said when we met that it was Ee-Lie… is that right?
EE: Yes, it’s EE-lie. 🙂
RJ: You will forever be Elly to me… LOLS… So to wrap things up, do you have any news for what is coming up this year?
EE: I’m currently writing a book for Riptide that will be a friends-to-lovers, NA story with more sexual escapades than my usual. It’s called “Five Dares” and should be out in the fall. After that I want to write the next book in the Men of Lancaster County series. It will feature a guy who moved to the country to start a farm sanctuary and the other MC is a young Amish guy who was kicked out for being gay. There will be a 4th Howl at the Moon title out hopefully by end of May. And then another Christmas story. I have lots of other things I want to write, but right now I’m not sure what will surface to the top of the “to do” list by the time I’m ready for another project to begin.
RJ: Ohhhh and tell us more about the pig!
EE: lol. My husband and I have a 20 acre farm in Pennsylvania. We have 2 cows out in a pasture/barn. About 6 months ago we saw this little black thing following the cows around. It was a tiny pig! We have no idea where it came from. We lured it with food and tamed it and now “Watson” is our family pig. He loves the cows and hangs out with them. The vet says he is a pot belly pig, and again, we have no idea how he found us. But he’s a lucky pig, because we’re probably the only vegan farm in Lancaster County. He’s just adorable and super smart and affectionate. He’s gotten fairly big now–he’s maybe 60 pounds. Watson will definitely feature in my upcoming farm sanctuary romance.
RJ: I thought he might, he has a regular personality!!!! Thank you so much for coming over to chat, I’m putting links to your books and the reviews I’ve done on them below!
EE: Thanks so much for having me, RJ! Mwahh! I hope to see you again at a con soon.
Out March 1
Snow, steam, and secrets.
The latest snowstorm carries something unexpected to the doorstep of Hutch’s secluded Alaskan cabin: a stranger named Jude, the most beautiful man Hutch has ever seen. Jude says he’s in the area for a ski trip and that he fled a domineering lover, thinking he could make it into town. But Hutch is a suspicious SOB and treats his unwanted guest warily. The problem is Jude isn’t just gorgeous, he’s funny and smart and flirtatious.
Two gay men snowed in for three days—things happen. Really good things. By the time the storm clears, Hutch finds himself a little too attached to Jude Devereaux, San Francisco-based male model. But is Jude what he claims to be? Or is he entangled in the secrets Hutch moved to Alaska to escape?
Highly recommended, and a good solid length story. 5/5, the writing is excellent and the story of the geek and the jock is perfect!
Unwrapping Hank: This to me is a perfect Christmas book… love… holidays… family… animals… more love… a *bad* guy… the *good guys* and most of all humour. I love Eli Easton’s books and this one is just the right book to sit with the Christmas tree and lose yourself in a funny, endearing, happy, loving and it left me smiling like an idiot. 6/5
This book was wonderful, funny, sexy, and I loved the two characters so much I didn’t want to stop reading them even after they got their HEA. You should read, I did and I loved it.
The Enlightenment of Daniel: How i wish I had written something like this story. Beautiful. A must read. I read this in one sitting and could not put it down. I loved how much thought went into creating Nick’s family, and the connections between generations. This can be read as a standalone but you should read book 1 for the full experience.
The Mating of Michael: I have read three books this year so far that have broken me… ripped out my heart and made me want to reach into the book and hug every character.
The first was Glory Lands by Vastine Bondurant, the second Hainted from Jordan L Hawk, and the third is the latest book from Eli Easton, the third book in her Seattle series, The Mating of Michael.
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