Sticks & Stones
Cut & Run Series Book Two – Sequel to Cut & Run
Six months after nearly losing their lives to a serial killer in New York City, FBI Special Agents Ty Grady and Zane Garrett are suffering through something almost as frightening: the monotony of desk duty. When they’re ordered to take a vacation for the good of everyone’s sanity, Ty bites the bullet and takes Zane home with him to West Virginia, hoping the peace and quiet of the mountains will give them the chance to explore the explosive attraction they’ve so far been unable to reconcile with their professional partnership.
Ty and Zane, along with Ty’s father and brother, head up into the Appalachian mountains for a nice, relaxing hike deep into the woods… where no one will hear them scream. They find themselves facing danger from all directions: unpredictable weather, the unrelenting mountains, wild animals, fellow hikers with nothing to lose, and the most terrifying challenge of all. Each other.
Oh i think I have cracked it, I read this book in one sitting really, and I really enjoyed it. I am a little hesitant about the way the guys get hurt SO badly and yet seem to function but the story, the family dynamics and the relationship is so good… and there were revelations in this book that made me smile… Ty’s character is even more fractured but you get a look at the reasons why he is how he is… Zane, remains my favourite. Ty’s dad was a dick… rofl… even when he redeemed himself… Loved Ty’s brother.
4.5/5 – head hopping POV still but if you sit and read it in one go it is less obvious once you lose yourself in the story.
p.s. peeps on the MM rec group suggested the style of writing is excellent for highlighting Ty’s all over the place almost ADHD personality. I hadn’t looked at it that way before…
Already three chaps into book 3 *love the texting*
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I'm glad you 'finally' see that….you'll love them even more , just like the rest of us.. 🙂
I just re-read 2 and am on my way to re-reading 3. 🙂 These are two of my all time favorite characters.