OMG, not only is this a new SPECTR book, but it’s set in New Orleans and features places that have been abandoned after Katrina… nature is reclaiming what’s been abandoned, and the atmosphere that Jordan creates is tense and eerie. It gave me chills. I love her SPECTR books – a masterpiece of storytelling as usual.
John Starkweather feels restless. Though still technically an agent for SPECTR, his only job now seems to be hanging out with his boyfriends, Caleb and the vampire spirit Gray, and binge-watching TV in their New Orleans apartment.
The inactivity comes to an abrupt end when a rougarou attacks John’s estranged grandfather. Even though he hasn’t seen his family since he was a teen, John can’t pass up the opportunity to reconnect.
The more John investigates the attack, the stranger everything about it seems, from his parents’ odd behavior to the rougarou’s unnatural size. And the closer John comes to finding answers, the nearer he draws to a truth that might be better left uncovered.
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