2018 was the second year I suffered a breakdown of sorts. You can see from the list of books that it was a full-on year, and I completely overdid it, losing all of December and into January and February of 2019.
I wrote the first in the Wyoming, Whisper Ridge, Duology, and of course, book 2 is now wrapped up in the whole messed-head thing, so it will be a while before that gets written.
Books include: Winter Cowboy, Poke Check, Dragons Hockey 2 – Il cuore (The Heart), Un ranch au Montana, Secrets, The Sinner and the Saint, Last Defense, Texas 1 – Il cuore del Texas (The Heart Of Texas), Der Bodyguard und der Schauspieler, Daniel, Changer Les Limites, Goal Line, Second Chance Ranch, Darcy, Ryker, Le Fils du Rancher, Texas 2 – L’inverno del Texas (Texas Winter), Neutral Zone, Home For Christmas, Christmas Prince, Boy Banned (Italian), Un fidanzato per Natale, L’Amour Surgit Malgré Tout, Last Chance, Mr. Sparkles (Free Story for Advent Calendar)
My final ever Texas book came out at Christmas – Connor’s story, I started a new series with Meredith Russell, finished the Legacy trilogy, added more Railers books, and completed the Ellery Mountain series with Sinner/Saint.
I then drunk wine.
I also ended the year as a USA Today Bestselling author with the Hockey Holidays anthology – which was one of the highlights of my career!
Talking of wine – I really like cocktails with super fancy names and straws – the whole thing! Do you drink cocktails or mocktails? Tell me below! Or tell me if you are a tea drinker or a coffee drinker!
Comment below for a chance to win.
Prize: An e-book from this featured year, or your choice from my backlist
Mr. Sparkles
When Jacob meets Celyn he hates him on sight. Too disrespectful and gaudy. Too different.
But even the grumpiest of wood carvers will find it impossible not to be won over by Mr. Sparkles.
And maybe even fall in glittery love.
A short story written for the 2018 Rainbow Advent Calendar
More info →Christmas Prince
The love story of a lonely prince, the man who steals his heart, and the magic of a snowy castle at Christmas.
Labeled as a playboy Prince, Raphael has done many crazy things in his life but commissioning a new museum to employ a stranger as a curator may top them all. For him, the game began in London when he outbid Marc at a Sotheby’s auction, but what started as a misguided attempt at flirting ends when Marc confronts him and tells him home truths that cut deep. No one has ever stood up to Raphael before, and it’s enough to have him questioning his role as the youngest son of an ancient royal family. He wants to be a better man, and if he happens to fall in love on the way there, then that’s just perfect.
The threat of losing his job means this could be the worst Christmas of Marc’s life. Not only has he been outbid on a piece of history to a prince with more money than sense, but his career at the British Museum is now on the line. When the same prince offers him a dream position, his first instinct is to refuse out of principle, but he knows he can never turn down being part of a team that reveals centuries of hidden history. His professionalism turns to horror when he discovers that he’s not part of a team at all and that Raphael—call me Rafe—is determined to shadow his every move. Hours alone in the castle archives start frosty, but when the ice melts, the magic of Christmas could lead to love.
Christmas Prince is a standalone, opposites attract, Christmas M/M romance with a lonely prince, a stunning castle in the snow, a touch of magic, and a beautiful happily ever after.
More info →Il cuore
Che cosa faresti se qualcuno provasse a distruggere tutto ciò che ami?
Alex Simard, capitano della squadra di hockey degli Ice Dragons, non esita un solo istante a salvare una bambina da una macchina in fiamme. E non si sente un eroe perché pensa che chiunque al suo posto avrebbe fatto lo stesso. Tuttavia, giornalisti invadenti, problemi fisici, pessimi risultati sportivi e russi litigiosi metteranno a dura prova il suo equilibrio. Guidare la sua squadra alla conquista della Stanley Cup è la sua priorità; innamorarsi l'ultimo dei suoi pensieri.
Josephine Glivens, aspirante vigile del fuoco, non si aspetta certo di innamorarsi di un giocatore di hockey. La carriera è tutto per lei, e al momento non c'è posto per un uomo nella sua vita. Ma là fuori c'è qualcuno che si è messo a piazzare bombe e a distruggere vite e, quando il pericolo minaccerà da vicino tutto ciò che ama, sarà costretta a fare una scelta.
Per entrambi, l'amore sarà un prezioso imprevisto da proteggere con le unghie e con i denti.
Boy Banned
Quando l’unico modo che hai per vincere è nascondere chi sei, quanto in là sei disposto a spingerti?
Reuben ‘Angel’ Jacobs è a un passo dal mollare. Perdere nelle finali dal vivo di Sing UK è devastante. Non ha altra scelta che tornare a casa e lavorare nell’impresa di famiglia, anche se ciò significa rinunciare ai suoi sogni e dare ragione ai suoi vecchi bulli.
Corey Dixon è un rocchettaro nel cuore. Essere nello spettro autistico significa che dare un senso a ciò che la gente considera ‘normale’ per lui è già difficile così, figurarsi se si aggiunge il caos di una competizione importante. Cantare è il suo spazio sicuro, l’unico modo che ha per pensare, superando il frastuono nella sua testa. Dopo aver fallito l’audizione per l’esibizione dal vivo, il suo viaggio sembra finito, ed è il giorno peggiore della sua vita.
I giudici lanciano a entrambi un salvagente, creando una boy band composta da tutte le belle speranze che sono arrivate a tanto così dal farcela. Mettono Angel, Corey e altri tre in una stanza e offrono loro l’opportunità di cantare come gruppo. Accettare di far parte della band significa che Corey è costretto a nascondere una parte di sé, oltre a ciò che Angel significa per lui.
Vincere vale davvero il sacrificio di Corey e Angel?
More info →Un fidanzato per Natale
Derek sta per affrontare un altro Natale in cui sente la propria vita fuori controllo. Ha un nuovo lavoro che non sente come suo, e dei genitori che vorrebbero solo vederlo sistemato. Tutto ciò che gli serve è una sorta di cuscinetto temporaneo per le feste a cui deve presenziare, e perché i suoi lo lascino in pace.
Ed entra in scena Luke.
A Luke mancano ventimila dollari per concludere la ristrutturazione dell’Halligans, il bar di famiglia nel New York Financial District. Un favore fatto a un amico lo porta a recitare la parte del fidanzato di un tizio con più soldi che buonsenso.
Ma quando lo spirito del Natale fa la sua magia e i due uomini iniziano a innamorarsi davvero, Derek fugge spaventato e Luke sente di aver bisogno di spazio.
Non importa che ostacoli metti sulla strada dell’amore, né quanto scappi nella direzione opposta; quando meno te l’aspetti, che tu lo voglia o no, l’amore arriva comunque.
More info →Secrets
Two hockey players, a hate crime, and secrets that could tear them apart.
Benji is the skater in the league who brings down the height average. Coming in at five eight, he's used to players chirping at him all night about his height. Including the sexy defenseman for the Carlisle Rush, Avery Lester, the defenseman with the stunning eyes and cute smile.
When Benji makes a single inappropriate comment about Avery's ass, everything goes to hell. Add in Avery’s heroics during a hate crime, and things just go from bad to worse. Abruptly it's not his height Benji has to worry about, but the chance that his closely guarded secret is shared all over the Internet.
Will keeping secrets tear Benji and Avery apart?
More info →Daniel
When the world crumbles around them both, Legacy ranch becomes their only hope.
Daniel trusted a man and lost everything. Unable to make his way in the world he takes Jack Campbell-Hayes at his word and asks him for help.
Corey wants the truth even though he knows it will lead to heartbreak and pain. Money can’t erase his family’s mistakes but he has to find Daniel to make things right.
More info →L’Amour Surgit Malgré Tout
Embaucher un petit ami pour Noël. Qu’est-ce qui pourrait mal tourner ?
Derek affronte un autre Noël où sa vie semble être hors de contrôle. Il a une nouvelle carrière qui ne lui ressemble pas et des parents qui aimeraient juste le voir s’installer. Tout ce dont il a besoin, c’est d’un invité temporaire pour les fêtes auxquelles il doit assister, afin que ses parents le laissent tranquille.
Arrive Luke.
Il manque vingt mille dollars à Luke pour les rénovations du Halligans, le bar de sa famille, dans le quartier financier de New York. Pour faire une faveur à un ami, il se retrouve à accepter de jouer le rôle d’un petit ami pour un gars qui possède plus d’argent que de bon sens.
Mais quand l’esprit de Noël opère sa magie sur les deux hommes et qu’ils commencent à tomber amoureux l’un de l’autre, Derek s’enfuit, effrayé, tandis que Luke a besoin d’espace.
Peu importe les obstacles que vous lancez sur le chemin de l’amour, ou que vous couriez dans la direction opposée, parce que, quand vous vous y attendez le moins, que vous le vouliez ou non, l’amour surgit malgré tout.
Titre original : Love Happens Anyway
Traduction de l’anglais : Bénédicte Girault
Relectures et Corrections : Clotilde Marzek et Yvette Petek
More info →Darcy
It only takes one week to fall into bed, but will Darcy and Adrian commit to a lifetime of love?
Hired to act the part of a devoted boyfriend to a wealthy socialite is just another day in the office for Darcy. He’s a professional and needs to keep his head in the game, but it throws him for a loop when he’s attracted to his date’s brother. Particularly when falling for the stubborn Adrian might lead to him losing the job he loves.
Adrian has been as unlucky in love as his sister, but the insane plan of hiring a fake boyfriend is chaos waiting to happen, and he refuses to endorse the move. Acting on the burning temptation for the sexy fake boyfriend leads to a love he can’t ignore, even if Darcy’s whispers feel as if they could be lies.
More info →Last Chance
It’s the last year of college and Luke can’t forget the captain of the hockey team or the kiss they shared as freshmen.
Justin has to decide if hockey outweighs his attraction to Luke because this might be the last chance he’ll have of making things right.
More info →Winter Cowboy
Tragedy tore them apart and hate got in the way of love. Is a second chance even possible?
Micah Lennox left Whisper Ridge after promising the man he loved that he would never return. But the only way he knows to keep his pregnant sister and nephew safe is to go home. Spending winter in Wyoming opens too many old wounds, but he's on the run from justice which can't be far behind, and this is his last chance at redemption.
After a hostage situation leaves Doctor Daniel Sheridan struggling with PTSD, he returns to Whisper Ridge. Joining his dad in family practice is a balm to soothe his exhausted soul, and somehow, he finds a peace he can live with. That is until he meets Micah in a frozen graveyard, and the years of anger and feelings of betrayal boiling inside him, erupt.
Micah and Daniel have a past that was destroyed by lies and tragedy, and even if hate could turn to love, will Micah stay at Whisper Ridge?
More info →The Sinner and the Saint
The hero is a sinner. The bad guy is a saint. And agreeing to sex for just a month turns everything else upside down.
Ben Rockwell, a former military medic, arrives in Ellery with a mission to establish a specialized unit for post-trauma care at the Veterans Center. Driven by a strong desire to rectify past battlefield decisions, he pours all his focus into this endeavor, disregarding everything else. However, his world takes an unexpected turn when a stranger moves in next door, throwing him off balance. Despite being hailed as a hero, Ben feels burdened by the weight of concealed truths, and knows he is anything but.
British actor, Nicholas Merrick, accused by the media of cheating on his fiancé and then coming out as gay flees from London, and seeks refuge in his friend’s house in small town Tennessee. He intends to remain hidden until the chaos in his past subsides. The choices he made in his life were motivated by protecting his best friend, but everyone has painted him as the villain. The moment Ben and Nicholas cross paths, they fall in lust, but is love possible for the sinning hero and the saintly bad boy?
More info →Ryker
Ryker is hockey royalty, Jacob is a poor country boy. Can two vastly different people find common ground and become the men they want to be?
Ryker comes from a long line of championship-winning hockey players. Playing college hockey to develop his game is his only focus, and nothing will stand in the way of him working to become the best player. He has no room for relationships, people who point out his flaws, or anyone who calls him on his dreams. He certainly has no place for love, and meeting Jacob is nothing but a useful distraction on the side. After all, trying to get his Owatonna Eagles teammate into bed is less work and more play. When tragedy rocks his family, his charmed life crumbles, and the only person he can turn to is the same one who claims to hate him.
Jacob Benson has only known hard work and stifling conservative values his whole life. Born and raised in the small rural community of Eden Crossing, Minnesota, he’s the only son of a hard-working but struggling dairy farming family. Jacob is using his skills in hockey to finance his way to an agricultural science degree. These four years at Owatonna U. will probably be the only time he has to enjoy life, gain acceptance about his sexuality, and live openly before his inevitable return to the farm. Running into a pretty rich boy like Ryker Madsen is putting a damper on his enjoyment of life away from home. Ryker’s flip, conceited, carefree attitude grates on Jacob’s every nerve. So why, if Ryker is everything he dislikes, does he want nothing more than to explore the sinful dreams that his annoying teammate stars in every night?
This New Adult book is the first in the Owatonna U Series, a spin-off from the best selling Harrisburg Railers Hockey Series.
More info →Der Bodyguard und der Schauspieler
Können der Schauspieler und sein Bodyguard sich verlieben, ohne dass ihre Geschichte in einer Tragödie endet?
Bodyguard Adam Freeman bekommt eine herausfordernde Rolle als Bodyguard auf einer Fan-Convention für das beliebte Seriendrama „Night Cop“. Seine Aufgabe? Den Hauptdarsteller der Serie, Logan Brady, vor übereifrigen Fans und einem auf der Lauer liegenden Stalker zu beschützen. Adam versucht, sich ganz auf seinen Job zu konzentrieren und seine wachsende Attraktion für den abgehobenen Schauspieler, der nicht auf ihn hören will, zu ignorieren. Doch als Logan sich öffentlich outet, stellt eine Bedrohung ihre professionelle Beziehung auf die Probe.
Logan ist daran gewöhnt, auf Conventions im Mittelpunkt der Aufmerksamkeit zu stehen, aber dieses Mal bringt das Rampenlicht echte Gefahr mit sich. Aufgrund eskalierender Drohungen, die ihm von zu Hause gefolgt sind, stimmt Logan zögerlich zu, dass er einen Bodyguard braucht. Gerade, als er sich mit einer lebensverändernden Entscheidung auseinandersetzt, wird er von seinem sexy neuen Bodyguard abgelenkt. Adam macht Privatsphäre und Zurückgezogenheit unmöglich.
Inmitten des Chaos der Convention und umgeben von Gefahr, vermischt Adams Entschlossenheit, Logan zu beschützen, sich mit ihrer immer stärker werdenden emotionalen Bindung. Während sie versuchen, diese neuen Gefühle zu begreifen, verlieben sie sich ineinander, einen gestohlenen Augenblick nach dem anderen. Jetzt muss Adam nur noch dafür sorgen, dass Logan am Leben bleibt.
More info →Le Fils du Rancher
Un homme amnésique et un flic au cœur brisé qui n’a jamais perdu espoir.
Se réveillant à l’hôpital après avoir été brutalement battu, John Doe n’a aucun souvenir de qui il est ni de qui l’a attaqué. La police ne trouve aucun indice sur son identité, et il ne se souvient de rien d’utile, à l’exception du nom Ethan et d’une image récurrente d’un lieu de ses rêves : Crooked Tree. Ces deux mots énigmatiques sont sa seule piste.
Avec sa famille au centre d’une perte, l’inspecteur Ethan Allens n’a jamais cessé de travailler sur l’affaire non résolue de deux garçons disparus il y a douze ans. Lorsqu’un rapport contenant de nouvelles pistes potentielles arrive sur son bureau, Ethan se rend à l’hôpital. L’homme qu’il trouve n’est pas son frère, mais il détient la clé pour élucider le mystère du passé.
Alors qu’ils s’enfoncent dans un réseau de souvenirs oubliés et de vérités cachées, ils doivent affronter les vrais démons du passé. Contre toute attente, un lien se crée entre eux, mais s’ils découvrent la vérité, cela détruira-t-il leur avenir ?
Dans le décor accidenté du Crooked Tree Ranch, dans le Montana, cette histoire est celle de l’espoir, de la résilience et d’un amour inattendu.
More info →Un Ranch Au Montana
Un cow-boy, un citadin et un ranch du Montana où la méfiance se transforme en amour.
Au milieu du chaos de sa vie qui s’écroule, Jay saisit l’occasion rêvée de fuir New York et de postuler pour un poste de gestionnaire marketing dans un pittoresque ranch du Montana. Il espère prendre un nouveau départ au Crooked Tree Ranch, mais il se heurte constamment à un cow-boy exaspérant et rude qui suscite bien plus que de la frustration. Alors que les étincelles jaillissent et que les tensions augmentent, Jay est choqué de constater qu’il tombe amoureux du cow-boy bourru. Lorsque les discussions enflammées se transforment en baisers passionnés, le véritable amour est-il en train de se profiler ?
Nate, ancienne star du rodéo et contremaître stoïque du ranch, est l’épine dorsale du Crooked Tree Ranch depuis cinq ans. Sous le poids des responsabilités et le regard attentif de ses jeunes frères, Nate sait qu’ils ont besoin de quelqu’un pour les aider à sauver leur ranch en difficulté. C’est là qu’entre en scène Jay, un citadin au passé trouble et au charme inattendu.
Dans le décor époustouflant des montagnes du Montana, Nate et Jay passent de l’animosité à la passion. Au cœur du Crooked Tree Ranch, où les liens familiaux sont profonds, deux hommes issus de mondes différents peuvent-ils trouver un amour suffisamment fort pour surmonter leurs différences ?
More info →Neutral Zone
Tennant Rowe has it all, a boyfriend he adores, a loving family, and a career on the rise. He’s sure of his place in the world, and the future can only get brighter. Then one night, in a flash of skates and sticks, life changes forever. Getting back on the ice is Ten’s priority, and experts tell him that it’s just a matter of time.
Jared watches his lover fall in more ways than one, and when tragedy strikes, even the strongest of relationships are tested. Ten is strong, but Jared has to be stronger to help the man who holds his heart. Only, he has to admit that maybe it isn’t just him who can make Ten whole again.
Jared and Ten’s love is forever, but the rocky path to the romantic Christmas Jared had planned may be hard to travel.
More info →Changer Les Limites
Les frères Rowe sont de célèbres têtes brûlées du hockey, mais en tant que le plus jeune du trio, Tennant a toujours dû jouer contre les réputations de ses frères. Afin de sortir de leurs ombres et refusant de tenir compte de leurs conseils, il accepte un transfert dans l’équipe des Harrisburg Railers, où il se retrouve face à Jared Madsen. Mads, un vieil ami de la famille et ancien coéquipier de son frère. Il se trouve être aussi le nouvel entraîneur de Tennant, et l’homme le plus sexy sur lequel il ait posé les yeux.
La carrière de Jared Madsen a tourné court à cause d’une défaillance de son cœur, et être coach lui permet de rester proche du jeu. Lorsque Ten intègre l’équipe, son monde soigneusement organisé se retrouve en plein chaos. De neuf ans son cadet et frère de son meilleur ami, il sait que Ten est totalement hors limites, pourtant dès qu’il voit ses mouvements, sur et hors de la glace, il sent que son cœur pourrait lui causer de nouveaux problèmes.
More info →L’inverno del Texas
Il passato di Riley torna a dargli la caccia, sia professionalmente sia nella vita privata.
La morte del fratello si è lasciata dietro ben più degli odiosi ricordi con cui Riley dovrà fare i conti. Quando entra in gioco l’FBI, tutto d’un tratto il giovane rischia di perdere qualcosa di molto più prezioso del suo buon nome.
Specialmente quando, durante una luna di miele troppo a lungo rimandata, Riley scopre di avere una figlia di otto anni di cui non conosceva neanche l’esistenza...
More info →Il cuore del Texas
Riley Hayes, il playboy della dinastia Hayes, è un giovanotto che, almeno all'apparenza, ha tutto: soldi, un lavoro che ama e un'ampia scelta di donne bellissime. Suo padre, amministratore delegato della Hayes Oil, trasferisce il controllo della compagnia ai due figli, ma la parte di Riley porta con sé una postilla. Preoccupato dalla sua mancanza di maturità, il padre esige che Riley 'si sposi e rimanga sposato per un anno con qualcuno che ama.
Inferocito dalla richiesta, Riley cerca un modo di svincolarsi dalla clausola imposta dal padre. Ricattare Jack Campbell affinché lo sposi 'per amore' sembra combaciare perfettamente con i suoi scopi. Infatti, i documenti del padre non contemplano che l'unione debba avvenire con una donna, inoltre Jack Campbell è figlio del nemico giurato di Hayes Senior. È un piano perfetto.
Riley sposa Jack, e in un lampo tutto il suo mondo si ribalta. Il giovane Hayes non poteva certo immaginare che Jack Campbell, un tranquillo e modesto mandriano, fosse una forza della natura.
More info →Last Defense
A hockey player with a medical secret, meets the owner of a no kill shelter. Two men afraid to feel, have to make choices that could end up breaking down their defenses and leading them back to love.
Every time Max Van Hellren steps on the ice he knows it could be his last time. At thirty he’s past his hockey prime but he’s also hiding a life-threatening injury that private doctors warn could kill him. This is his last season, and there’s a chance he could lift the Stanley Cup after fourteen years in the NHL. He just needs to stay safe and healthy; difficult when he’s known for his heavy hitting and with a propensity for dropping the gloves and putting his body in the way of pucks to keep his team safe.
A one night stand with a sexy man was just what he needed, dangerous and hot, but what if it turned into more? Would he actually have to share the secrets he so desperately tries to hide?
Ben Worthington had it all. A fulfilling job running the CrossRoads Shelter, his loving aunts, and a husband that understood his devotion to animals. Then, the love of his life left him, succumbing so quickly to an unexpected sickness that Ben never had time to say goodbye. The violent loss scarred him.
Unable to move past his fears, he moves from lonely encounter to lonely encounter, slaking a desperate need that is eating away at him, but never making a connection that could lead him back into love. One night with Max makes him want more, but will giving into the temptation open the door to feelings he can’t contain?
Can these two broken men ever find a way to be together?
More info →Goal Line
Gatlin Pearce is creeping up on thirty-eight and is still single. It’s not that he wants to be alone, it’s just that he’s too damn old to be in clubs filled with glittery gay boys who can’t even tell him who the Rolling Stones are. Better to just spend his evenings at Hard Score Ink - his tattoo and artwork shop - creating masterpieces on human flesh, listening to the Railers games, and nursing a cold beer. His solitary life is about to end when Bryan Delaney, the new Railers backup goalie, shows up at his shop looking for new artwork for his helmet. There’s some sort of sad story in those beautiful eyes of Bryan’s, and Gatlin finds himself more than a little infatuated with the tender new goalie.
Bryan Delaney leaves home at fifteen to live with a billet family. He just wishes that he could have escaped his alcoholic father and strictly devout mother earlier. Drafted to the Arizona Raptors he finds a new family, and his first love affair, even if that relationship is marked with violence. Being traded to the Railers is a shock to the system but the team isn’t like any other he’s ever played on and they truly seem to care about him. It’s only when he meets artist Gatlin, with their shared love of music and hockey, that he realizes how much help he needs to escape the past.
More info →Poke Check
Stanislav “Stan” Lyamin is happy playing for the Railers. The towering goalie is well-loved, respected, and making a home for himself even though that home only contains him, his cat, and his growing Pokemon trading card collection. Stan prefers it that way. He’d given his heart to a man in a secret affair, and that man walked away, leaving Stan shattered. Now Erik is back in his life, and he has the same tumultuous effect he had on Stan’s heart as before. This time it’s not just a kissable mouth and sweet blond curls that Erik has brought to Harrisburg, there’s a soon-to-be ex-wife and a precious baby. Despite the vow Stan made to hate Erik forever, he’s now finding it harder and harder to turn away.
Erik Gunnarsson’s dream had always been to play in the NHL, he just never imagined he’d land a contract with the Railers. Who would have thought that fate would put him on the same team as Stanislav Lyamin; the man whose heart he’d callously broken? Secrets and lies had defined their summer relationship, and the choice that Erik made to end it all haunts him still. In the middle of a messy divorce and with a baby in tow, Erik finds himself back in Stan’s life. Now all he has to do is be the best dad he can be, prove to the team that he deserves the chance to stay on the roster and try his hardest to get Stan to forgive him. Is it possible to persuade a man who hates you to give love a second chance?
More info →Home For Christmas
Can Connor show River a real Texas family Christmas?
When Connor finds River perched on the roof of the campus admin building, drunk and shouting into a snowstorm with a bottle of vodka in hand, getting him down is the easy part. The real challenge begins when Connor insists that River come home to Texas with him for Christmas.
River has no family or place he truly calls home outside of college. He’s perfectly content spending Christmas alone in his budget motel, watching reruns of Elf. But Connor’s persistent tales of his family’s picture-perfect holiday celebrations on their ranch are starting to chip away at River’s resolve. He never asked to be dragged to Texas. He didn’t want to fall in love with the larger-than-life Campbell-Hayes family. And yet, he does.
From one Christmas to the next, this is Connor’s chance to rescue River—and himself. Along the way, there are mistakes to make, hearts to heal, sparks to ignite, and love to discover. For Connor, showing River what it means to belong to a family isn’t just about Christmas—it’s about forever.
More info →Second Chance Ranch
Rob runs to Crooked Tree determined to find a safe place for his nephews. A family for them is the final thing on his list, and then he can vanish completely. Falling for a local paramedic along the way is a disaster in Rob's otherwise perfect plans.
Paramedic Aaron, the middle of five brothers, would like someone to love. A great believer in fate he is convinced though, that one day he'll find someone. He just never thought it would be a man in so much pain, or that children would be part of the package.
Rob is ready to leave. Aaron wants him to stay. Can they find a way to save what they have?
More info →
Since I’m a teetotaler I don’t drink alcohol or virgin drinks either. I’m totally addicted to Coke Zero though.
Coffee for life! 😀
My favorite beverage is coffee, but if it’s alcohol induced- homemade Spanish eggnog.
Coffee’s been my lifeline during shelter-in-place, but certain foods cry out for a beer…
I don’t drink any of those things!
I drink both coffee and tea. I have a few cups of coffee in the morning and then switch to tea for the rest of the day.
I’m afraid I’ve never been a coffee or tea drinker. For years I drank diet soda but I gave it up back in the mid-80″s and have only drank water since then. I love your books so much!
I’m coffee ( a looot) and tea drinker… and I like mohito drink.
I don’t drink alot other than wine, but love a fancy cocktail.
I’ve recently discovered flavored sparkling water. When I ‘deserve’ a treat I love frozen margaritas! Especially with fajitas, chips and salsa! Oh, guacamole and sopapillas.
I recently discovered flavored sparkling water. When I deserve a treat I love frozen margaritas! Especially with chicken fajitas, tortilla chips, salsa and guacamole. Oh, and sopapillas!
I generally drink sparkling water. Occasionally I’ll drink Dr Pepper, chai tea, or milk. When I drank, my go to was straight vodka, as cold as it could get.
I generally drink sparkling water. Occasionally I’ll drink Dr Pepper, chai tea, or milk. When I drank, my choice was straight vodka, as cold as you could get it.
Stacy you’re a winner, email rjscott.team@gmail.com
When I’m at home I drink lots of Tea, when I’m at work I drink lots of coffee