2011 was insanely busy. In this year I was writing at least 5000 words a day. The biggest seller of the year had to be The Heart of Texas, which of course exploded into 9 books, plus the 3 books in the Legacy series. Also on this list was my first ever translation – a Spanish version of The Christmas Throwaway.
Books included: Darach’s Cariad, The Heart Of Texas, Valentine 2525, All The King’s Men, Back Home, Deefur Dog, The Soldier’s Tale, One Night, Love Is In The Title, Love Is In The Hallways, Love Is In The Message, Eoin’s Destiny, Guarding Morgan, El Chico Indigente en Navidad, Texas Winter, The Gallows Tree, Jesse’s Christmas, Proteggere Morgan, Protéger Morgan
This year is where Sanctuary started with Guarding Morgan. Sanctuary saved my house – more details on that in the post for 2012!
Deefur Dog was a lighthearted Manny story, Back Home was angst, and All the Kings Men was a sprawling disaster movie book with an earthquake and forest fires.
I also had my first french and Italian translations with book 1 in the Sanctuary series into both languages and also my first audio with The Christmas Throwaway.
You could say it was the year I tried everything.
2011 was when I wrote Deefur Dog. I love Manny stories, I love dogs, I love writing kids into books. Do you have a pet? Would you like one? Tell me everything! Comment below for a chance to win.
Prize: An e-book from this featured year, or your choice from my backlist
I have a Siamese who happens to be a holy terror quit frequently but she’s mine.☺ Anyone who has a hyper 🐱 can you tell me does age calm them down or should I get her a playmate?
Deefur Dog was the first book of your that I read, and you got me hooked 🙂 I have never really been a dog person, but cats I love. My current cat is Neve she is all white (not albino) and she is a bit of a minx. She is convinced the bird feeders are really cat feeders!
I don’t have any pets at the moment (unless kids count 😀 ) but I used to have a pitbull that was the best cuddle bunny out there 🙂
First off I love Deefur Dog and the Christmas story that goes with it. Manny stories or just stories with a single dad is great. As for pets, I don’t personally own a pet. However, I live with family and they have currently 5 dogs (2 big and 3 littles). I think the funniest to me is when I hear my uncle fussing at one of them for doing something crazy. Weirdest was once I apparently didn’t close the door to my room well and I woke up because one was literally licking and munching on my hair. Dog slobber might not be cool but I was just happy he was playing and not actually trying to yank the locs out because he could have snatched me bald. Over the years 2 have gotten so sick the vet didn’t have any option but euthanasia and those were horribly sad times. I think that’s the thing about pets. We know intellectually that we will definitely likely outlive them and yet you can’t help but love them. I think I get the greatest benefit of pets because I’m not responsible for them but if I ever need a snuggle, they are there ready and willing. It really does make you understand why people have emotional supports animals because even when they are having a barking concert because I have had the nerve to leave my room lol they make me grin every time.
I have had pets. My mom has had dogs since I was little. I’ve had 2 cats & 1 dog myself. We are petless right now after our last fur baby passed away. We will again just taking a break for a bit
I have a Ragdoll cat. She is the boss of the house.
I have a Westie, the apex predator of my back garden. Her formal name is BirchBark The Good Witch, but she answers to Glenda. She’s very clever and a wonderful companion.
I have a Beagle/Basset Hound mix named Duncan that we adopted and a Labradoodle named Gypsy.
I have 3 cats, 2 dogs and a turtle. I would have more if the husband would go along. Lol
We have two very large and beautiful GSDs! Wouldn’t trade them for anything.
We are owned by Leona Mae. A rescue we got from our local animal shelter in 2012. She is a Korat. She was found wandering our local park in late , freezing January. She adopted us on Valentine’s Day.
I would love a dog! My boys always wanted one but living in apartments that never allowed for one made that an impossibility.
I grew up with a cat, and love cats. Unfortunately I married a man allergic to cats, so we have dogs.
I have a black and white cat named Lucy. She’s not cuddly and bit weird, but she’s ours.
I have a small fish tank with a few fresh water fish at the moment. I would love to have a dog or cat but am pretty allergic to both. A dog I might be able to do depending on the breed. Maybe someday in the future.
I am currently without a pet. Buttons was a wonderful boy and I’m just not sure if I’ll ever be ready for another dog. He’s been gone 7 months and it’s the longest time in 46 years that hubby and I haven’t had a dog.
I would love to have a dog in the house again (used to have a Golden and a Pekingese (tempermental bastard, but I loved him)). I know myself well enough to know that a low key dog would be best, but that (and finances) aside, if I had a choice it would either be an Irish Wolfhound or a Rhodesian Ridgeback.
I would love to have a dog in the house again (used to have a Golden and a Pekingese (tempermental bastard, but I loved him)). I know myself well enough to know that a low key dog would be best, but that (and finances) aside, if I had a choice it would either be an Irish Wolfhound or a Rhodesian Ridgeback.
My beautiful Jack Russell passed away 6 years ago at the ripe old age of 18. I could never replace her she was a sweet old girl that only barked 3 times in our hearing. She grumbled when there was knock on the door but never barked. Still miss her loads
we have a zuchon..which is a bishon/shiztu mix
I currently have 4 ferrets (Nessa, Michael, Jonathan and Monty) but I run a ferret rescue so that could change at any time. Lol
I have 2 dogs, 2 cats and 2 ducks 🦆
Victoria, you’re a winner – email rjscott.team@gmail.com
I have a rescue dog and a rescue cat. they are my girls, and I love them to bits. Besides, I volunteer at a rescue shelter in my home town. I go there every day to work with the dogs, so you could say I have 250 dogs…
We call our dog our daughter and have no intention of giving her any human siblings 😆 but someday I want a giant old farmhouse so I can take in all the rescue animals. I’m a massive animal lover, and as someone who has ALWAYS had at least one dog, they hold a special place in my heart.
Loved Deefur Dog. I have a dog, love reading books with pets
I have two dogs
When we move I want a snake also
I would love to have multiple dogs.
I have a Petit Bassett Griffin Vendeen named Walter. He’s a scent hound. He’s going to be 10 in July and that sounds old, I can’t bear it. But He was diagnosed with epilepsy at 3 so we’re pretty lucky he’s still here. It’s bloody awful but on the bright side I’ve met some hunky vets. Mostly when I’m dressed in PJ’s but still.
I have 4 dogs, 2 cats and 3 horses.
Have a tortie cat and used to have a bearded dragon and Madagascar hissing cockroaches. Always wanted a husky, a tarantula, and a ferret.
I have a naughty tortie – a tortoiseshell cat called Kaylee. She’s mellowed as she’s got older, but used to bring home fresh dog bones that she’d stole from the neightbours’ dogs.
I don’t have any pets can’t have any but if I could, I would definitely have a Bengal cat or a hedgehog.
I have two rescue dogs one I rescued 11 years ago and one I rescued 18 months ago I believe our fur family find us and these two are my babies
No pets at present but I could see getting a dog (that’s hypoallergenic!).
I’ve had pets most of my adult life and I like dogs bigger than a teacup. I moved into a tiny studio apartment with an exorbitant nonrefundable pet deposit, and even if I could afford the deposit, it wouldn’t be fair to the pup.
I have a black cat who does a circus act (she walks along the curtain rail) when I am on the phone as she is jealous I am not paying attention to her.
I love cats! I have one named Tiger and a dog named Bravo
I have three cats, the love of my life, my dream is to change house and to adopt a lot of pets that need a home
I don’t have any pets can’t have any but if I could, I would definitely have a Bengal cat or a hedgehog.
Over the years, we’ve had a zoo. Now we’re down to on small dog.
We currently have two cats. Chuck, short for Chuckles, who was originally named Olivia (my husband and I love Supernatural) is a striped tabby “fat girl” with big green eyes. Her younger “brother” is a tuxedo cat who she acted like a mother too; he is now twice as big as her but loves to lay on her still. He is half Maine coon. He was originally named Phantom but is now called Black short for Black Cat. He has the cutest rabbit looking white feet with black pads. My husband wants a Maine coon kitten as a third now.
No pets now but had dogs and cats growing up but I have always found the idea of fish quite serene and you don’t have to worry about stepping in any mess 😁
Deefur Dog is one of my favorite stories. My pet is my big fat baby boy cat named Tobi. He is like a baby. He loves being held, very demanding, loves lying around and is absolutely amazing. I love my Tobs
I have one dog (16yrsold and deaf as anything), 4 rats, 2 bearded dragons, 1 crested gheko and 1 tortoise 🐢
We lost our beloved Toy Poodle, Buttons, 7 months ago. This is the longest time in 46 years that we’ve gone without having a dog. For many reasons, I don’t think we will adopt another one. All 3 of our dogs were special in their own way but I think he meant the most to us because one of us was nearly always at home with him. We were both working while we had our other two dogs.
We rescued Caleb, our dog, 7 years ago during a pet adoption. He’ll stand by me, in front of me when barking at whoever’s at the door, and shadows me when I’m handling food. Though he’s afraid of light reflecting off of mirrors and windows, he’s still the best boy.
We are on our 3rd Spring Spaniel and love her. She is aging and probably won’t be around much longer, but she has been such a wonderful addition to the family.
We have a ‘rescue’ border collie. She and my husband felt an instant attraction and I’m not sure who brought who home! Unfortunately she is ‘slowing down.’ I don’t look forward to the day he loses her.