Hi guys.. before I do my Monday round up post I wanted to post this work stuff first!
Love Lane Books is looking for a small group of proof readers, probably around five along side my existing proofer, to proof my books, along with the selection of authors that Love Lane publishes. I am looking for a mix of UK and non-UK proofers as I generally write in US English.
Proofreaders check the finished edited work for both simple and complex errors. Spelling mistakes is the obvious one, but also name switches, and glaring grammatical errors. By the time a file reaches the proof reader it will have been through a beta and several rounds of editing, but things slip through and a fresh set of eyes will finish the process.
I would also be looking for various other types of feedback that I would explain when we email. ๐
Things I am looking for:
Likely we will have chatted before, on facebook or other
You already proof read for another author and I can talk to that author if I need to
You will be able to use tracking on Microsoft Word
You will have the time to be able to turn around a proof read in a couple of days
Most importantly, you are a fan of MM Romance and an avid reader in the genre.
Whilst proof reading isn’t a paid position, of course you will get a final version of the e-book you are proofing, and also your choice of an e-book from the Love Lane backlist. In addition your name will appear in the books as proofer.
Email me: rj@rjscott.co.uk if you are interested.
p.s. I actually have The Summer House ready for proofing… just saying…
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