I found this when I wasn’t looking for a Supernatural download for this weeks episode… (I wasn’t promise)…
Fan Fic is where I started and while it taught me some bad bad habits it also taught me to become the kind of pantser that I am now. Thinking on my feet and changing story line direction by playing the what if game.
How about if my characters did this? What would happen if there was an X here… What if I killed one of my characters? What about if X did this to Y, how would Z react?
I don’t know about other writers, but I am always playing the What If game when I am writing. It’s how I write, throw a situation, or a place, add in a character, add another one in, shake and see what happens. So when I saw this I thought…. ooohhh…. what a cool thing… shuffle and pick random cards and you could end up with a whole new thought provoking direction than you had before.
These were specifically created for fan fiction writing, but ignoring the purple cards which seem to be fan fiction specific I think this could be a really interesting experiment in writing for everyone…
That does look cool. I do something similar but not with Fan fiction. More of a mental poke and the characters tell/show me. Good idea though.
That does look cool. I do something similar but not with Fan fiction. More of a mental poke and the characters tell/show me. Good idea though.
That sounds like a fun challenge. I may have to try it.
It reminds me of quite a few Roleplaying game adds. There are heaps of books and cards like this available for Game Masters in the table top RPG games. I've used ideas like this when I've GM'ed my RPG for my friends. The website: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php is a great place to go to look for these sorts of ideas.