First off, a HUGE sorry to everyone for the blog posts about you-know-who…
I appreciate that some of you will not want to know what is happening and for that I send you BIG HUGS and SMOOCHES…
I will be posting something every time a new drama arises but it is more a way of me documenting what is happening now than a plea for support.
Every single one of you who have emailed me, posted blogs, or contacted me on Facebook, have made this journey easier.
Authors often say their readers are the best, but they’re wrong. My readers are the best ones…
Normal service will resume soon, I promise…
So, in other news…
I had an email from All Romance E-Books to say that The Vampire Contract from eXtasy Books had just hit the Allromance.com Bestseller List! Link to book at ARe. I don’t know how long it will last on there, but I was so excited to receive the news. VC was a whole new departure for me into the realms of Werewolves and Vampires and I enjoyed every minute of it!

Love Lane Books
Coming very very soon is *Under The Sun* written with Meredith Russell and is book 2 in our Sapphire Cay series. Follow the story of Jamie and Edward and their love on the golden sands of the Cay. Read more here.
My own imprint is going well and I have wonderful new cover art for paperbacks such as The Heart Of Texas, from Meredith Russell, and The Christmas Throwaway, from Bitter Grace Art.
Go, Rj, Go, Go, Go
Great news all around….
Looks like I've got some books to preorder, buy, and read….
Take care and be well
Indianapolis, IN, USA
Love the news update. I have all books that can be pre ordered ordered.lol
Cinders… I wuv you xxxxx
Fabulous news! Keep it up. ๐
Thanks Freddy… XXXXXXXX
I have already read (and loved) Moments a few months ago, but I was wondering if it's worth buying the new re-edited version as well?
I also think I need to take a moment and go through all of your recent releases and figure out what I still have to buy. I've been so lazy lately. ๐
Moments hasnt changed a lot… ๐
I am so pleased you loved it… HUGS XXXX
Beautiful new cover for Face Value!!! This is the one missing in my collection – I mixed up the chronological order and bought 4 and 5 first. Then I decided to wait for the new cover since the placeholder was a bit bleak ๐ Now I can finally enjoy the rest of this wonderful series! Didn't want to read them out of order!
Looking forward to the other new arrivals!
I'm glad to hear Silver paid you at least a percentage of your royalities! Hopefully you will get the rest too!!!
I just finished The Teacher and the Soldier, and I really enjoyed it! My one complaint is that it should have been longer!