I have two tattoos. One tattoo a simple line of words and a heart. The words are *words will take you there* and is a reference to the words people write that starts a journey to falling love and was inspired by the Madonna song, Like A Prayer, which is my all-time favorite song.
The other tattoo a small watercolor heart with the word writer in it spelled as you would see in a dictionary (raɪtə). My daughter started her degreeEnglishlish and the dictionary sounds were in tribute to her. She’s since changed her degree to Archaeology but this is still a beautiful tattoo with the word that means a lot to me.
I left it until I was in my forties to have my first tattoo. I always meant to get one, but it never seemed to be the right time, and now I am planning my third – which will have a writer/author theme.
I am thinking some kind of quill, ink, book… and I’ve seen some beautiful tattoos before that inspire me. I’d also like my children’s names in there somewhere – I just need to design it now and go visit the nearest tattoo place for a consultation.
I collected a load of pictures of possible tattoos on my Pinterest – you can see them here
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