When I get stuck on a particular chapter or scene as I am writing, I will take time out to do some coloring.
I have a huge box of Sharpie’s and I will spend time filling in blocks of color on mandalas I have printed off. I find that when I’m lost in the coloring I get the chance to think about a plot point that is snagging me. Or maybe think through a problem outside of writing.
My favorite colors are red and purple, passionate strong colors. It’s these pens that run out first, and I genuinely think that coloring is my form of meditation.
Link to the Pinterest Board called color inspiration
Apparently “… Coloring definitely has therapeutic potential to reduce anxiety, create focus or bring about more mindfulness…”
Also, “… Coloring puts a focus on something beautiful and takes you away from any negative thoughts. It also ignites creativity which can continue on into other aspects of work…”
Seems I am doing something right, without even trying!

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