stock when new book is coming out, or I’m finishing a current one, think about things I’ve learned (and things I still need to learn — there are plenty of those). Figured I’d share a couple!
don’t. The only exception I personally
make is if someone links me to their review on Facebook or twitter. Then I like
to respond. Other than that it’s just… not a good idea. For me at least.
or plants, switch around your stuff (extra butterflies can’t hurt lol).
something to do when your brain is toast. I really like to dance, draw, and
walk. And glue paper onto empty candle jars to make prettier jars… really. it’s nice for when I’ve thought too much haha.
obvious one… getting to know the readers and other authors really is the best part
links if you’d like to find me:)
having me stop by!
Blurb: Corbin Ford, aka the
Nightwatchman, named for the antique pocket watches he leaves behind at jobs,
has been in the cat-burgling business for years. His father was. His
grandfather was. His mother is still one of the most renowned thieves. Corbin
likes his high-profile heists, priceless paintings from private collections,
artifacts from museums, but his favorite? Jewels. Sparkly, beautiful jewels. If
they’re famous, better yet.
agent Luke Eldridge has one goal and one goal only: to catch the Nightwatchman.
Luke’s been after him for months, but getting the slip time and again is
getting embarrassing. Luke has never even laid eyes on the bastard, but he’d
happily strangle him. And then arrest him.
When Luke meets Corbin, the man of his dreams, he
falls hard and fast… only to catch Corbin red-handed with his hand in a jewelry
case at the scene of the highest-profile murder that’s rocked the international
world in years.
better get over here now.”
at the slices of pizza he’d just picked up from a food cart down on the Camden
Lock. Looked like there was more cold pizza in his future. Typical. Irritating,
but typical.
off his soft leather couch. It made a disgusting squelching sound. Luke turned
and halfheartedly wiped the seat off. He was tired from the run he’d forced
himself to take, wet, and starting to chill as heat escaped through his damp
T-shirt. The last thing he wanted to do was get back into a suit and go out in
the cold he’d just escaped from.
the FBI academy, rattled off a very upper crust Kensington address.
press?” Luke asked. People who lived at addresses like that tended to make the
news. His job was always harder when he had a ton of panicking socialites
breathing down his neck guarding their beloved possessions. He didn’t need them
or the news vans outside his crime scene.
can, but you know how it works. Just get your ass over here. Waterman’s on my
dick already.”
“Does that surprise you?”
within Interpol Art Crimes was all about the high profile cases. Art, jewelry,
anyone with a Lord or Lady attached to their name. Even the odd Sir here and
there. Cases like that were good press for the agency, he always said. Probably
more like good for getting his face on the camera. Waterman was a media whore
extraordinaire. Usually Luke didn’t care, but when they were in the middle of
trying to open a case, it kind of pissed him off.
press after they had some solid leads, or, you know, someone in custody, but
far be it for him to correct Waterman. He’d spent the last eight years trying
to overcome the hereditary American-ness Waterman deemed a deep character flaw.
If he started correcting the guy now, he might as well sign his own pink slip.
won’t even be done fixing his hair for the cameras,” Luke told Rob. He was
already in his suit pants and shaking out his dress shirt. It felt a little
stale from a long day, but he wasn’t going to put on a new one for a late
evening call. If all went well, Luke would be back in his sweats and on his
couch in less than an hour.
my skin pulled off a strip at a time.”
the tone of his friend’s voice was different. Worried, maybe. “What’s going on,
Rob? What are you leaving out?”
cause us a lot of shit in the near future if I’m right.”
games?” Luke wasn’t in the mood to play anything. All he wanted to do was eat
some still-warm pizza, crawl into bed, and sleep for days—or at least until his
alarm went off at six. He’d gotten way too little sleep lately. He hadn’t
gotten enough sleep in years.
see this for yourself. Just get here, man.”
shoved one piece of his pizza on a paper towel, and grabbed his keys. He could
eat it on the way without ruining his suit. Even if he spilled, fuck it. Luke
wasn’t going to sacrifice one more decent dinner to the cause.
still slick and dark, half frozen in the early spring chill, but at least it
was quiet. The air was close to freezing, too. Unseasonably low temps, but
sadly not by much. After all the years he’d been in London, the winters still
got to him, cold and wet, the kind that seemed to creep all the way into the
center of his chest—nothing like his childhood home in South Carolina or even
Virginia, where he’d lived and worked his first few years out of the academy.
Sometimes Luke missed the old optimistic years at Quantico. These days it
seemed like the cold was impossible to shake. It seeped into his bones and
camped out until nothing he did could warm him through.
getting old.
The stone row houses slipped past, nestled together,
dark on the outside like everything else, interiors shining and cheery against
the insidious, creeping chill. Everyone who knew better was inside somewhere,
enjoying dinner, relaxing with the people they loved. They didn’t look alone.
He’d figured long ago his hopes for being one of them had probably passed. Luke
loved his job, it was his life, but some nights he wouldn’t mind a break. Luke
bypassed their unit’s Westminster offices in favor of going straight to the
scene. He didn’t need anything but what he had on him. Hopefully he’d be in and
out in time for the late news.
DSP Link: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=6318
I’m Mj O’Shea:) I
grew up, and still live, in sunny Washington state and while I love to visit
other places, I can’t imagine calling anywhere else home.
writing stories. Sometime in my early teens, the stories turned to romance.
Most of those were about me, my friends, and our favorite movie and pop stars.
Hopefully, I’ve come a long way since then.
I love to play the piano, dance, cook, paint pictures, and of course read! I
like sparkly girly girl things, own at least twenty different colored
headbands, and I have two little dogs who sit with me when I write. Sometimes
they comes up with ideas for me too…when they’re not busy napping.
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May 15: The Purple Rose Tea House
|| Cia’s Stories
I'm not sure that I have "one precious thing", you know? My big daydream is the perfect-for-me house, with a huge library, because I have a s***ton of books.