My love of excitement and romance – Barbara Elsborg
The first full length book I ever wrote – more years ago than I like to remember (but I was 21) – was a romantic suspense. It was called Unnatural Selection. 100,000 words about the mafia, drug smuggling and set in New York. The book is dark and probably old fashioned now so it will remain in my closet! I didn’t write about what I know, as is often recommended, and I’ve continued not to do so!
My latest romantic suspense is set mostly in London and involves the Russian mafia. Well, I guess I do know London quite well but the mafia not so much. But for me, that makes writing all the more exciting – researching things and working out how I can twist them to my purpose. My stories are rather dramatic. I like lots of things to happen and they do.
If you’d like a chance to win a copy of Whatever it Takes or any other from my backlist if you’ve already read it, please leave me a comment about your favourite type of hero.
I can be found here – Website – Amazon – Goodreads – Twitter – Facebook
Whatever it Takes.
War in Syria has devastated Zain’s country, destroyed his family and broken his heart. When there is nothing left to stay for, he journeys to England, determined to follow in his father’s footsteps and train as a doctor in London. He might be a refugee with no money, no friends and no qualifications but he still has his dreams and he’ll do whatever it takes to ensure his future turns out to be the one he wants.
Roman is a world away from the naïve Russian boy who lost everything, one devastating day. Now he’s a fixer for a wealthy Russian, keeping the guy’s business dealings away from the attention of the British authorities. Roman is balanced on a moral tightrope, which grows more unsteady by the hour. The last thing he needs is to become emotionally involved with a young Syrian, especially when he can’t afford to trust anyone.
A chance discovery in Roman’s car by Zain sets off a violent chain reaction and Zain is thrown into a world that threatens not just his dreams but his life. Roman has difficult decisions to make. He’s determined to do whatever it takes to keep Zain safe. But lingering shadows from their pasts as well as prominent figures from Roman’s present need to be eliminated if they’re to have a chance together.
As lies and danger escalate, are they doomed before they’ve even begun?

Thanks for having me, RJ!
Thank you for taking part! Socially distanced hugs 😉
I like slightly damaged heroes, with a reason to overcome what life has thrown at them. It doesn’t have to be “big” to anyone else, but rather a case of learning to move past whatever has held them back before.
My sort of hero!
I like unsung heroes. Obviously they won’t remain unsung by the end if the story, but….
I like all kids of heroes. Damaged or anti-hero characters are some of my favorites though
I like damaged heroes!! All my guys are damaged. I’m a mean author.
Yep, they’re at their best when they’re actually shouting about how wonderful they are! LOL
I like ordinary heroes who only find their inner hero when the situation requires it and are surprised by it themselves.
That’s a perfect kind of guy to love!
Hmm…”damaged” heroes
I love those
Yep, the best!!
I LOVE Barbara Elsborg ‘s books ❤
Thank you!!!!
I like the underdog. The least likely person to save the day does in fact, save the day!
I prefer those to the dominant alpha male!
I like the broken hero
I like them VERY broken!
I love damaged heros
They’re sort of not good enough if they’re not damaged!
I like ones that are secretly marshmallows inside.
LOL – all gooey and sweet – while they’re big and bold on the outside!
I love all heroes. I’m not picky at all.
My sort of a girl!!
Oh, what a great question! I think I tend to love tragic heroes, especially ones who are later redeemed or vindicated, and honorable heroes. I also love the dreamers who are willing to do the work to put a foundation under their dreams. I guess, in one way or another, that describes most heroes. 🙂
Lovely answer, Laurie!!
I love all heroes.
So do !!
I like every type of heroes
How can we not?? The world would be a sadder place without them.