I passed a 1000 blog posts on here a while back, and I am around 52,000 away from a million genuine hits to the blog. Which must mean I blog a lot. I interview people, I have guest posts, reviews, and every so often I will post things myself. Maybe not as often as I should, as pointed out by my wonderful PA…
So, I was flicking through previous posts and I found my very first post. It wasn’t very expansive… All it said was:
Hi guys… bad day… good choice to set up Blogspot so I can properly link to friends on here… x
That made me laugh. Clearly I was having a bad day. I made the post on the 23 February 2011, and I can’t recall what put me in a bad mood, likely it a bad writing day, or a bad review on something, or… you name it… it could have even been the weather, or… rofl… I don’t know…
But, even back then, over four years ago, I knew connecting with my friends in the MM community was how I was going to properly get into the right headspace to cheer myself up.
This was post The Christmas Throwaway which was still selling well back then. It had hit it’s peak December 2010/January 2011, and was number one for ages at All Romance. Then I recall releasing Kian, I think… All The Kings Men, Back Home… 2011 was a very busy year, including The Heart Of Texas … ๐
So I guess, in all the time I have been on blogger, with every comment I get, and with every post I make, I am connecting to the world. I rely on the MM community for support, and feedback, and friendships, and a whole lot of other things that make me smile. I only hope I can be as supportive back.
The Book
When Ryan Ortiz decides to go direct to LA to fight for a second chance with his lover Nathan Richardson he is caught up in the biggest earthquake to hit the city since records began.
LA is destroyed, burning, people homeless, and fires are ignited high in the LA hills above Nathan’s apartment. Nathan is trapped and Ryan is his only hope.
It is a race against time and the powerful all consuming destruction of nature for Ryan to find Nathan, trapped in the ruins of his home in the hills, and to get both of them to help before the fire reaches them.
Buy Links – eBook
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