Just a quick round up of news about the Ellery Mountain series.
I’m taking back creative control of the series as I can which means lots of changes for the series.
The first three books are remaining with Totally Bound until early 2017 and so will have the old covers. Unfortunately they auto-renewed because I f****d up on giving notice, so I can’t get them all under my control just yet. The rest are releasing as soon as I have them back, can get them edited, and get new cover art. ๐
NOTE – if you bought Ellery 4, 5 or 6 in e-book form, and you can send in a proof of purchase, then I will replace the old e-books you have with the new ones, FREE… This is only available on or after 3 September ๐ Send an email to rjscott.team@gmail.com on or after 3rd and we will send you the e-books by return.
So, in summary
Remains with Totally Bound until early 2017, then, re-released with LLB as soon as possible thereafter.
Book 1 – The Fireman and the Cop
Book 2 – The Teacher and the Soldier
Book 3 – The Carpenter and the Actor
Is now not available anywhere… re-released with LLB on 3rd September with new cover art and fully re-edited
Book 4 – The Doctor and the Bad Boy
Book 5 – The Paramedic and the Writer
Ellery Volume 2 – including Doctor/Bad Boy & Paramedic/Writer will also be available in paperback on that day
Is available from TB until end August, then, re-released with LLB on 3rd September
Book 6 – The Barman and the SEAL
Is available from TB until end January 2014, then, re-released with LLB 1st February 2016.
Book 7 – The Agent and the Model
I know this is awkward, and it isn’t really the way I wanted it to happen, but if you bear with me then by April 2017 all my pretties will be back with me where they will ne nurtured, and added to with new books in the series… ๐ They will be reasonably priced for the novellas they are, and they will all have new covers and be edited as they were intended to US English.
So… dates for the diary
3rd September 2015
Re-releases for Ellery 4, 5 and 6.
Email rjscott.team@gmail.com for replacements with receipt of 4, 5 and 6
Re-release for paperback containing Ellery 4 and 5
1st February 2016
Re-release for Ellery 7
Email rjscott.team@gmail.com with receipt for replacements of 7
Re-release for paperback containing Ellery 6 and 7
* * * * *
Books 1, 2 and 3 to be confirmed ๐
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