I love the Christmas season, family, the songs, children laughing, the decorations, the lights and most of all the books. Books are important to an advid reader like myself. I have picked several of my favorite holiday stories to share with you. The following books are in no certain order.
1. Cherish Your Name by Mary Calmes
If you’ve read any of the Warder Series by Mary Calmes, you are familiar with Malic Sunden. He has this hard exterior and doesn’t want to be happy but he is. Dylan is his Hearth. I loved this book because it showed Dylan’s family. The most important reason I love this book is it shows Malic’s softer side. It’s a fantastic holiday read. I have it on audio and have listened to it many times.
2. Grumble Monkey and the Department Store Elf by B.g. Thomas
This is a story about learning to be proud of yourself even if your blood family is not proud of you and that a true family are those who love you and accept you for the way you are. Nick learns how not to be a scrooge and not to think this world would be better off without him. All because of a department store elf named Kit he rescued from a snow storm.
3. Snowbound in Nowhere by Andrew Grey
Ok besides the fact that Andrew Grey wrote this, I cannot tell you why I like this story. I just do. Maybe it’s because you find something or someone special when you least expect it. Also it reminds me of A Smokey Mountain Christmas J
4. The Christmas Throwaway by Rj Scott
This is by far my favorite Christmas story ever. I have read it several times. When I got the audio I listened to it more times that I can count. I listen to this when I am in a bad mood or I’m sick. It’s my go to book. What I love about it is it shows you what a family really is. It is not always the one chosen for you, it could be the one you chose for yourself.
5. Turkey in the Snow by Amy Lane
What’s not to like about this book? I mean, sexy grown men knitting. I love the series. The characters are moody, funny and pigheaded.
6. Christmas Cole by B.g. Thomas
I adore this story, a lesson in humility and in being yourself and not losing sight of who that is. Like Dorothy says, “There’s no place like home.”
7. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
Good vs. Evil. Good wins out in the end. Well I’m not quite sure I’d call Scrooge evil. A mean, stingy grouch, yes but not evil, mabye. I like to read this around Christmas time and then I’ll go watch the movie, the one with Patrick Stewart playing Scrooge. The adaptation with George C. Scott is my favorite though.
8. Letters From Father Christmas by J.R.R. Tolkein
From the author who brought us the magic of Lord of the Rings brings the magic of the North Pole. Here is the description I found that explains this magical treat. “Every December an envelope bearing a stamp from the North Pole would arrive for J.R.R. Tolkien’s children. Inside would be a letter in a strange, spidery handwriting and a beautiful colored drawing or painting. The letters were from Father Christmas.
9. Something For Santa by AKM Miles
I like this one just because it’s sweet, romantic and it’s Christmas. Two men, both needing someone to help them. Derek is determined to pay his mother’s medical bills after she passes. Max needs help with his son, Michael. Derek, who plays the department store Santa ends up working for Max, taking care of Michael. On payday money was exchanged but as time went on hearts were exchanged. Love it!
10. Twas The Night Before Christmas
I know it is technically a poem but it was in a book J Christmas wouldn’t be the same without the story about the jolly old elf and his eight tiny reindeer each year.
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