Buy the book and save it to your PC/Laptop
Find your Kindle e-mail address
Go to Amazon and log in
Find Kindle in the left hand menus or at the very bottom of the page
Then find ‘Manage my Kindle’
Click on ‘Manage Your Devices’
The email address you need is under the ‘Send to Kindle Email Address’
Make a note of this address
Add YOUR own personal email address to your list of approved email senders
Remaining logged in to Amazon…
Click on ‘Personal Document Settings’
Scroll to the list of approved Email addresses
Add the email address you will be sending the file from to the approved list
Then press *Add Address*
Email the mobi file to your kindle
ie. rj_777@kindle.com etc and attach the mobi file you saved to your computer.
Press send and the mobi will then be available on your kindle the next time your kindle downloads books
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