End Street Box Set
In “The End Street Detective Agency Series,” human PI Sam Enderson and his vampire lover, Bob, dive headfirst into a whirlwind of paranormal mysteries. Each story throws them into the midst of magical chaos—from the hunt for cursed witches and missing magical children to confrontations with sinister water spirits and revenge-seeking angels. Living with an array of mystical beings like gargoyles and dragons, Sam and Bob not only crack cases but battle dark forces and form unlikely friendships. However, the revelation of Sam’s mysterious origins threatens their new love, and the found-family they’ve created. With the stakes higher than ever, a sacrifice might be the key to survival, threatening everything they cherish.
This box set includes the entire End Street series;
The Case of the Cupid Curse
The Case of the Wicked Wolf
The Case of the Dragon's Dilemma
The Case of the Sinful Santa
The Case of the Purple Pearl
The Case of the Guilty Ghost