Today is Louisa May Alcott’s birthday (or so Google tells me!). She was born 184 years ago.
I read Little Women when I was younger – I have no idea of my actual age, but I remember the book which was a hardback children’s version. I picked it up from the library and read it in one sitting. I went straight back and booked out the next books in the series and i devoured them. In my head I was Jo, and I fell in love with Laurent so hard. I remember being devastated when Jo and Laurie didn’t end up together, and then equally as pleased when she ended up with Professor Bhaer. Jo was a complex character who didn’t quite live up to her older sister, Meg’s, perfection as a *young women*.
I recall crying when Beth died, because, my goodness, she was a pure soul. And I loved Amy and her need to be accepted, and that she ended up with Laurie (I mean, who saw that coming!). As to Meg, she was that perfect girl, the one with the inner light. Marrying John was the ultimate result for her, and she always seemed so happy with her lot in life.
Oh and the plays they put on? I so wanted three sisters to do that with. Of course, I have one sister, but we still managed to make pretend plays although I’m not sure anyone ever saw them!
I love this series of books so much, they were *proper romance*, and probably among the first books I read that relied heavily on relationships.
The books
four sisters on a journey out of adolescence, Louisa May Alcott’s Little
Women explores the difficulties associated with gender roles in a
Post-Civil War America …”
- Little Women
- Good Wives
- Little Men
- Jo’s Boys
I was the same as you Rj. I know I was still in Primary School when I read them, so about 11 or 12 I think. I borrowed Little Women from the local library and then went back for the rest. Geez that was a long time ago now, lol. I may even have a copy of Little Women somewhere in the house, I know I had a copy, just not entirely sure as to where it ended up.