Daily checking of Fantasy hockey, horrified to see I am 13th out of 14 on one of my leagues… LOL… shakes head at Pens, It’s okay, I’m third in the other league (not sure how I managed that, this is all new to me).
Opens Facebook, checks messages, tries to avoid all references to last nights Walking Dead which I don’t really want to watch at all because the last series was MEH…
Looks at time and realises I just lost about 30 minutes on Facebook… slaps self in face… doesn’t close Facebook *just in case*
Checks Email, sets up MORE new rules in outlook to deal with sudden influx of women wanting to suck my dick (which would be difficult clearly).
Phones Vet to book Jack in for his jabs – Thursday 2pm followed by walk in woods.
Cracks knuckles
Assesses workload today
- Finishing my chapter on The Road To Frosty Hollow with Meredith to send back to her today
- Montana 4 Chapter 1 (target 3,000 words)
Answers 3 question from my german translator, Chris McHart, on context in The Christmas Throwaway – this is in editing mode and will be released end Noveember we think.
Opens Google chat to see if writing buddies are around
Opens The Road To Frosty Hollow – I have about 600 words to add to this chapter and then I can send it back to Meredith. Gets waylaid by family stuff… Talks to Meredith, and finds TWD for her
Back to writing…
Sends the finished chapter to Meredith… 1360 words added to finish the chapter
and now, onto Montana 4 (Snow in Montana)
*Although, Matt is on half term this week, and he’s playing 99 Red Balloons over and over… and over… and over… LOL…
Where did the morning go?
Opens up Montana 4
Stares at Montana 4
Identifies what is worrying me that means I can’t concentrate.
I need a tagline for The Code…
Works on the tagline for The Code, which is being released in two days and which has a shitty tagline at the moment.
Enroles the help of Annabelle Jacobs and Rachel Maybury for said tagline
Gets interupted by finding out what happened in the Walking Dead after having decided I can’t be arsed to carry on with it after last season.
Goes back to tagline which is frankly taking longer than writing the book.
He risks destroying friendship and his team to find love with his best friends sister.
Oh, in all of this I now have a tagline for book 2 – The greatest shot he’ll ever take is for love. (Brain, you are NOT helping here).
He’s willing to break the codes of hockey for the love of his best friends sister
Tells Rachel that I am writing a diary of today to post on my blog. Her response… “OOOOHhh a day in the life of RJ Scott…that’s a good one!!” My response… “we’ll see… LOL”
Looks at time, has quick lunch (bread LOL). Literally 2 minutes. No time to stop.
Matt comes in to tell me all about his gardening tomorrow. Looks pointedly at the fact I am eating some of his bread. But it’s okay, because he loves me (apparently).
99 Red Balloons… again…
cuppa needed… ๐
Does he want to break the unwritten code of friendship for the love of his best friend’s sister?
Nope, still crap.
One kiss has the potential to change even the longest of friendships forever
Nope… Gets Meredith involved as well…
Loving his best friend’s sister goes against every code he knows, but one kiss is all it takes.
Yep, we have a winner… thanks to Annabelle… which means when she asks me to have one last look at her blurb I am happy to do so… and M4 isn’t calling to me just yet.
*Prevarication* + *worrying about the release of The Code* = messing with my head for writing M4. Sighs.
Decides that writing blurbs and taglines is the work of the devil. Why is it so much easier to write an entire novel than to summarise it in a bitesize way?
Joins writing room with hockey romance author, dies at the fact I will be sprinting with authors that I fangirl. Tries to get over it and put words down.
Starts Montana 4
BUT Matthew has a sore throat – I assisted in getting him to take a paracetamol and to drink water. Poor baby.
13:55 – 14:25 582 words
cuppa needed… ๐
Hubby came in wanting help with putting on his sugar monitor thingy. I’m getting very fast at that now. LOL.
14:30 – 15:00 563 words
And I need to ask a question about Amazon categories for MF writing, because GAH, I’ve not done that before. Goes to hockey group to ask. Apparently Fiction > Sport, and Fiction > Romance > Contemporary is where I should be at. Thanks guys.
15:10 – 15:40 485 words
15:50 – 16:20 724 words
OH! Sidney Crosby (Pittsburgh Penguins Captain) is at practise in a black jersey… don’t come back too soon Sid (Come back soon, Sid)
16:30 – 17:00 624 words
And now, I’m done for the day… well, apart from checking emails and Facebook this evening. The writing has been a bit slower today because M4 is a new book and I am establishing ground work here, I hope this gets faster soon!
So that is a typical writing day for me. Of course, it isn’t typical to have 99 Red Balloons playing all day, but Matt is off school and the song choice is balanced by the hugs I get, and the conversations I have based around ceiling fans.
Total wordcount today – 4338
Cuppas consumed – too many to count
Prevarication index – medium (LOL)
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