Taken from Tumblr: A teacher in New York was teaching her class about bullying and gave them the following exercise to perform. She had the children take a piece of paper and told them to crumple it up, stomp on it and really mess it up but do not rip it. Then she had them unfold the paper, smooth it out and look at how scarred and dirty is was….
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RJ’s News, Reviews, Releases, & Competitions
New photos added to Tumblr…
My Sunday posting of inspirational photos on Tumblr… http://www.tumblr.com/blog/rjscott. Some NSFW.
Question About Christmas songs in America
My favorite Christmas song is Greg Lake’s ‘I believe in Father Christmas’ and I am sucker for Wizard and Shaky… My question is: For my American friends – what Christmas ‘pop’ tunes are played over and over on your radios / TV in the lead up to Christmas?
Texas Winter (Texas #2)
Riley’s past comes back to haunt him both professionally and personally. His dead brother left more than just bitter memories for Riley to deal with. The FBI get involved and suddenly it is more than his good name that is on the line. Jack is always there for him but how much more can Riley’s husband reasonably be able to understand? Especially when Riley finds out on his…
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Eoin (The Fire Trilogy)
Not currently available for sale Eoin is faced with the end of times. With his friends at his side, can he rescue the prisoner that might hold the secrets to winning the battle between Cariad and City as well as the key to his heart? His bond brothers, Kian and Darach, probably hate him for his necessary lie, two-thirds of the Council wants him dead, and the prisoner’s amber Fire…
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Love Is In The Hallways
Love is Series Book 1 – Love is in the titleBook 2 – Love is in the hallwaysBook 3 – Love is in the message The Book Luke is still on cloud nine after what happened in the park with Cameron. He has a boyfriend and is in shock. At the same time he is completely and utterly head over heels in love. Cameron wants to announce the two of…
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Love Is In The Title
*Love Is In The Title* is my first foray into the world of Young Adult writing. I really enjoyed writing this story. It is a story of young love and the infinite possibilities of *Forever*. Love is Series Book 1 – Love is in the titleBook 2 – Love is in the hallwaysBook 3 – Love is in the message The Book Luke requests songs for the late show with…
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Deefur Dog
For over a year, widowed Cameron Jackson has tried to juggle his business with childcare for his two year old daughter …all while living with Deefur, a Great Dane who believes he rules the house. Nannies last a day, some don’t even make it through the front door if the self-proclaimed ruler doesn’t approve. Something has to give. Enter Jason Everson, nanny, teacher in training, apparent dog whisperer, and the…
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The Christmas Throwaway
Christmas is a time for giving – what do you do when no one gives a damn?For Zachary Weston Christmas means sleeping on a churchyard bench in the freezing snow with nothing better in his future. Thrown out of his home for being gay, he is left without money or, it seems, anywhere to go. Until a stranger shows him that some people do give a lot more than a…
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Larger blurb courtesy of Book Wenches: Jacob Riley is one of Hollywood’s bad boys. Child star turned television and B movie actor, he has a reputation for wildness and difficulty honed by years of close encounters with drugs and alcohol. When his latest brush with the law results in him facing a prison term that could ruin his career, he is offered a choice: either participate in a new kind…
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