2016 has been another very busy year, and it’s only when I get to this point in the year and I summarize everything that I realise just how busy it’s been. Over 600,000 words, 13 new published stories, translations and audio of Texas, and others… yep, there is a reason I am feeling tired. So if you are interested, here is how my 2016 played out… Total words written in…
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Special Forces
Snow in Montana (Montana #4)
An actor in the closet, a sheriff in love, and memories that won’t stay hidden. Jordan Darby is known as the King of Christmas. The star of eight made-for-TV Christmas movies, the leading man who always gets his girl. Filming at Crooked Tree Ranch in Montana, in the ice and snow, Jordan is fighting to make a go of his new company and dealing with fears of exposure over one…
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First of all, I would say that hubby keeps an eye on all my finances and sales. He has spreadsheets that analyse everything to the nth degree, probably going back maybe 4 years now. He can tell me the spread of sales for a book, and what market that book sells in strongest. From this I know that Amazon has accounted for 69% of my income in the first year…
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Cercle Fermé – Série le Sanctuaire 5 – Disponible dès maintenant
Extrait CHAPITRE UN Manny Sullivan était bien au-delà de la colère et filait droit sur le chemin qui aboutissait à furieux. Ce foutu Sean Hanson avait infecté le système, envoyant un virus fouiller dans les dossiers privés et foutrement protégés de Manny. — Que fait-il ? demanda Jake. Il regardait tandis que Manny se battait contre l’attaque virale, dossier après dossier. Appuyé contre le bureau, à côté de celui de…
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A Cowboy’s Home (Montana 3)
One burned and broken man finds his way home. Can he find peace in the arms of a man easy to love? Justin made the ultimate sacrifice for his country, battling domestic terrorism, never the man he really was, using hate to avenge the death of his best friend. The friend he’d killed. What he doesn’t count on is getting shot, and if he’s going to die he wants it…
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Kissing Alex Reviews
Amazon (US) | Amazon UK | Kobo | Smashwords | Barnes & Noble | iTunes Martial arts expert Lewis is the kind of bodyguard who slips under most people’s radar. Quiet, reserved, but constantly on alert, he’ll do his job, keep his charges safe, then relax by reading Shakespeare in his spare time. When he’s given a case involving a spoiled celebrity singer, Lewis isn’t all that impressed. The job is nothing but babysitting a pretty boy, and he’s used…
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Kissing Alex release blast…
Martial arts expert Lewis is the kind of bodyguard who slips under most people’s radar. Quiet, reserved, but constantly on alert, he’ll do his job, keep his charges safe, then relax by reading Shakespeare in his spare time. When he’s given a case involving a spoiled celebrity singer, Lewis isn’t all that impressed. The job is nothing but babysitting a pretty boy, and he’s used to diplomatic postings with depth…
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Eaux Calmes – Série le Sanctuaire 4 – Disponible dès maintenant
Extrait Chapitre Un — T’es-tu déjà demandé com bien valait Jake ? Où combien cela coûtait par jour de faire marcher cette Fondation ? demanda Nik Valentinov en s’asseyant en face d’Adam Brooke. Adam jeta un coup d’œil au décor luxueux de Sanctuary Imports et Exports. Il se concentra sur ce que Nik avait dit, pas tout à fait certain que l’autre homme ne pose pas une question purement rhétorique….
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Bodyguards Inc. #3: Max and the Prince
One week to go to the release of Undercover Lovers. Here is the lovely tale of Max and the Prince. The Book Bodyguard Max Connery is used to being mistaken for being younger than he is. Being carded every time he buys a beer is usual. Even though he’s just turned twenty eight and has two tours in Afghanistan as a pilot under his belt. When a threat is made…
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Le Seul Jour Facile – Le Sanctuaire Tome 2
Extrait Chapitre Un — Chef, localisez-vous pour le CAS. Le cri passa à travers la ligne, à peine audible au-dessus des coups de feu, et pour l’oreille du Chef, officier supérieur de la Marine, Joseph Kinnon. Le lieutenant était situé plus haut sur la pente raide, coincé dans cette position. Il était maintenu en place par le sifflement et le bruit de balles d’AKA 47 qui déchiraient l’air et…
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